Health Inequalities Data Tool

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For more information about each indicator, click on the framework components below:

Health Status

Mortality and Life Expectancy
Indicator Life Course Indicator Description Source (Year) Method of Calculation Available Stratifiers
Infant mortality Children (<1 years) Infants who die in the first year of life VS-BD (2009-2011); VS-DD (2009-2011) Numerator: Number of infant deaths (age < 1 year) due to all causes;
Denominator: Total number of live births, excluding those that occurred in dissemination areas with no infant deaths
Infant mortality (at least 500 grams) Children (<1 years) Infants weighing at least 500 grams who die in the first year of life VS-BD (2008-2010) linked to VS-DD (2008-2011) Numerator: Number of deaths among infants weighing at least 500 grams (age < 1 year);
Denominator: Total number of live births weighing at least 500 grams, excluding those that occurred in dissemination areas with no infant deaths (Ontario is excluded from the numerator and denominator)
All-cause mortality General population Deaths from all causes VS-DD (2016-2020) Numerator: Total number of deaths;
Denominator: Total Canadian population (2016 Census counts), multiplied by 5
Circulatory system disease mortality General population Deaths from diseases of the circulatory system (ICD-10: I00 to I99), total population VS-DD (2016-2020) Numerator: Total number of deaths caused by diseases of the circulatory system;
Denominator: Total Canadian population (2016 Census counts), multiplied by 5
Cerebrovascular disease mortality General population Deaths from cerebrovascular disease (ICD-10: I60 to I69), total population VS-DD (2016-2020) Numerator: Total number of deaths caused by cerebrovascular disease;
Denominator: Total Canadian population (2016 Census counts), multiplied by 5
Ischaemic heart disease mortality General population Deaths from ischaemic heart disease (ICD-10: I20 to I25), total population VS-DD (2016-2020) Numerator: Total number of deaths caused by ischaemic heart disease;
Denominator: Total Canadian population (2016 Census counts), multiplied by 5
Other circulatory system disease mortality General population Deaths from circulatory system diseases, other than ischaemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease (ICD-10: I00 to I02, I05 to I09, I10 to I15, I26 to I28, I30 to I52, I70 to I79, I80 to I89, I95 to I99), total population VS-DD (2016-2020) Numerator: Total number of deaths caused by other circulatory system diseases;
Denominator: Total Canadian population (2016 Census counts), multiplied by 5
Lung cancer mortality General population Deaths from lung cancer (ICD-10: C34), total population VS-DD (2016-2020) Numerator: Total number of deaths caused by lung cancer;
Denominator: Total Canadian population (2016 Census counts), multiplied by 5
Unintentional injury mortality General population Deaths from unintentional injuries, due to causes such as motor vehicle collisions, falls, drowning, burns, and poisoning, but not medical misadventures/complications (ICD-10: V01-X59, Y85 to Y86), total population VS-DD (2016-2020) Numerator: Total number of deaths caused by unintentional injuries;
Denominator: Total Canadian population (2016 Census counts), multiplied by 5
Life expectancy (ecological level) General population Number of years a person would be expected to live, from birth VS-DD (2009-2011) The number of years a person would be expected to live from birth, on the basis of the mortality statistics for a given observation period Details
Seniors (65+ years) Number of years a person would be expected to live, from age 65 VS-DD (2009-2011) The number of years a person would be expected to live from age 65, on the basis of the mortality statistics for a given observation period Details
Life expectancy (individual level) Adults (18+ years) Number of years a person would be expected to live, from age 18 CCHS (2000/01-2007/08) linked to VS-DD (2000-2011) The number of years a person would be expected to live from age 18, on the basis of the mortality statistics for a given observation period Details
Seniors (65+ years) Number of years a person would be expected to live, from age 65 CCHS (2000/01-2007/08) linked to VS-DD (2000-2011) The number of years a person would be expected to live from age 65, on the basis of the mortality statistics for a given observation period Details
Health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE) (individual level) Adults (18+ years) Number of years a person would be expected to live in a healthy state, from age 18 CCHS (2000/01-2007/08) linked to VS-DD (2000-2011) The number of years a person would be expected to live in a healthy state from age 18 Details
Seniors (65+ years) Remaining number of years a person would be expected to live in a healthy state, from age 65 CCHS (2000/01-2007/08) linked to VS-DD (2000-2011) The number of years a person would be expected to live in a healthy state from age 65 Details
Potential years of life lost (PYLL, ecological level) General population Average number of additional years a person would have lived if he or she had not died prematurely (the upper reference age is 75 years) CCHS (2000/01-2007/08) linked to VS-DD (2000-2011) The average number of additional years a person would have lived if he or she had not died prematurely (the upper reference age is 75 years) Details
Potential years of life lost (PYLL, individual level) General population Average number of additional years a person would have lived if he or she had not died prematurely (the upper reference age is 75 years) VS-DD (2009-2011) The average number of additional years a person would have lived if he or she had not died prematurely (the upper reference age is 75 years) Details
Morbidity and Disability
Indicator Life Course Indicator Description Source (Year) Method of Calculation Available Stratifiers
Low birth weight Children (<1 years) Live births with birth weight less than 2,500 grams VS-BD (2009-2011) Numerator: Total number of live births with a birth weight < 2,500 grams;
Denominator: Total number of live births with known weight (Ontario is excluded from the numerator and denominator)
Small for gestational age Children (<1 years) Live singleton births whose birth weight is below the 10th percentile of sex-specific birth weight for gestational age VS-BD (2009-2011) Numerator: Total number of live singleton births with a birth weight < 10th percentile of sex-specific birth weight for gestational age;
Denominator: Total number of singleton live births with known weight and known gestational age (between 22 and 43 weeks) (Ontario is excluded from the numerator and denominator)
Preterm births Children (<1 years) Live births with a gestational age of less than 37 weeks VS-BD (2009-2011) Numerator: Total number of live births with a gestational age < 37 weeks;
Denominator: Total number of live births with known gestational age (Ontario is excluded from the numerator and denominator)
Overweight (self-reported) Adults (18+ years) Body mass index (BMI) score from 25.0 to 29.9, based on self-reported height and weight, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2010-2013) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, with a BMI score between 25.0 and 29.9, based on self-reported height and weight;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Overweight (measured) Children/youth (6-17 years) Body mass index (BMI) score from 25.0 to 29.9, based on measured height and weight, population aged 6-17 years CHMS (2009-2013) Numerator: Number of CHMS respondents, aged 6-17, with a BMI score from 25.0 to 29.9, based on measured height and weight;
Denominator: CHMS respondents, aged 6-17
Adults (18-79 years) Body mass index (BMI) score from 25.0 to 29.9, based on measured height and weight, population aged 18-79 years CHMS (2009-2013) Numerator: Number of CHMS respondents, aged 18-79, with a BMI score from 25.0 to 29.9, based on measured height and weight;
Denominator: CHMS respondents, aged 18-79
Obesity (self-reported) Youth (grades 6-10) Body mass index (BMI) score more than two standard deviations above the mean which is age- and sex- specific defined by the 2007 WHO BMI growth references for children and youth, based on self-reported height and weight, population in grades 6-10 HBSC (2009/10, 2013/14) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 6-10, with a BMI score more than two standard deviations above the mean which is age- and sex- specific defined by the 2007 WHO BMI growth references for children and youth, based on self-reported height and weight;
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 6-10.
Youth (12-17 years) Respondents aged 12-17 years classified as "obese" according to the age-and-sex specific BMI (based on self-reported height and weight) cut-off points as defined by the World Health Organization CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who were classified as "obese" according to the age-and-sex specific BMI (based on self-reported height and weight) cut-off points as defined by the World Health Organization;
Denominator:  CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Adjusted body mass index (BMI) score equal to 30.0 or above, based on self-reported height and weight, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, with an adjusted BMI score equal to 30.0 or above, based on reported height and weight;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Adjusted body mass index (BMI) score equal to 30.0 or above, based on self-reported height and weight, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, with an adjusted BMI score equal to 30.0 or above, based on reported height and weight;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Obesity (measured) Children/youth (5-17 years) Respondents aged 5-17 years classified as "obese" according to the age-and-sex specific BMI (based on measured height and weight) cut-off points as defined by the World Health Organization. CHMS Cycle 4, 5 & 6 (2014-2019) Numerator: Number of CHMS respondents, aged 5-17, who were classified as "obese" according to the age-and-sex specific BMI (based on measured height and weight) cut-off points as defined by the World Health Organization;
Denominator: CHMS respondents, aged 5-17
Adults (18-79 years) Body mass index (BMI) score equal to 30.0 or above, based on measured height and weight, population aged 18-79 years CHMS Cycle 4, 5 & 6 (2014-2019) Numerator: Number of CHMS respondents, aged 18-79, with a BMI score equal to 30.0 or above, based on measured height and weight;
Denominator: CHMS respondents, aged 18-79
Functional health, severe or moderate functional impairment Youth (12-17 years) Have a moderate or severe functional impairment (Health Utilities Index Mark 3 [HUI3] score = 0.88), population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2009, 2010, 2013) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who have a HUI3 score = 0.88;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Have a moderate or severe functional impairment (Health Utilities Index Mark 3 [HUI3] score = 0.88), population aged 18+ years CCHS (2009, 2010, 2013) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who had a HUI3 score = 0.88;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Have a moderate or severe functional impairment (Health Utilities Index Mark 3 [HUI3] score = 0.88), population aged 65+ years CCHS (2013,2014) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who had a HUI3 score = 0.88;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Participation and activity limitation, sometimes or often Youth (12-17 years) Reported that they sometimes or often experienced limitations in daily activities related to a long-term physical health condition, mental health condition, or health problem (has lasted or is expected to last six months or longer) CCHS (2009, 2010, 2012, 2013) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported that they sometimes or often experienced a limitation in daily activities at home, at work, at school, or other, due to a long-term health condition (has lasted or is expected to last = 6 months);
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported that they sometimes or often experienced limitations in daily activities related to a long-term physical health condition, mental health condition, or health problem (has lasted or is expected to last six months or longer) CCHS (2009, 2010, 2012, 2013) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported that they sometimes or often experienced a limitation in daily activities at home, at work, at school, or other, due to a long-term health condition (has lasted or is expected to last = 6 months);
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Disability Adults (15+ years) Individuals who reported having difficulty "sometimes", "often", or "always" to one of the Activities of Daily Living questions on the 2016 Census of Population long form, population aged 15+ years CSD (2017), APS (2017) Numerator: Number of CSD or APS respondents, aged 15+, who reported having difficulty "sometimes", "often", or "always" to one of the Activities of Daily Living questions on the 2016 Census of Population long form;
Denominator:  CSD or APS respondents, aged 15+
Injury, past year Youth (12-17 years) Reported being injured in the past 12 months, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2017-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported being injured in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 12-17.
Adults (18+ years) Reported being injured in the past 12 months, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2017-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported being injured in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 18+ .
Seniors (65+ years) Reported being injured in the past 12 months, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2017-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported being injured in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 65+ .
Injury due to fall, past year Youth (12-17 years) Reported injured due to fall in the past 12 months, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2017-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported injured due to fall in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 12-17.
Adults (18+ years) Reported injured due to fall in the past 12 months, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2017-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported injured due to fall in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 18+.
Seniors (65+ years) Reported injured due to fall in the past 12 months, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2017-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported injured due to fall in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 65+.
Activity-limiting injury, past year Youth (12-17 years) Reported activity-limiting injuries in the past 12 months, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2017-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported activity-limiting injuries in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 12-17.
Adults (18+ years) Reported activity-limiting injuries in the past 12 months, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2017-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported activity-limiting injuries in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 18+.
Seniors (65+ years) Reported activity-limiting injuries in the past 12 months, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2017-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported activity-limiting injuries in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 65+.
Difficulties doing activities of daily living Adults (18+ years) Adults aged 18+ reporting experiencing difficulties doing activities of daily living as a result of physical, mental, or other health related conditions or problems Census 2021 Numerator: Number of Census of Population respondents, aged 18 years and older, who reported that they “sometimes," "often" or "always" experience difficulties doing activities of daily living as a result of physical, mental, or other health related conditions or problems;
Denominator: Census of Population respondents, aged 18+ years
Sore mouth or toothaches about once a month or more in the last 6 months Youth (grades 6-10) Reported having a sore mouth or a toothache about once a month or more in last 6 months, population in grades 6-10 students HBSC (2017/18) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 6-10 students, who Reported having a sore mouth or a toothache at least once per month in last 6 months;
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 6-10 students
Had at least one dental injury treated by a dentist in last year Youth (grades 6-10) Reported having at least one dental injury that was treated by a dentist in past 12 months, population in grades 6-10 students HBSC (2017/18) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 6-10 students, who reported having at least one dental injury that was treated by a dentist in past 12 months;
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 6-10 students
Mental Illness and Suicide
Indicator Life Course Indicator Description Source (Year) Method of Calculation Available Stratifiers
Suicide mortality General population Suicide deaths (ICD-10: X60 to X84), total population VS-DD (2016-2020) Numerator: Number of deaths caused by suicide;
Denominator: Total Canadian population (2016 Census counts), multiplied by 5
Mental illness hospitalization Adults (15+ years) Discharges following hospitalizations for five selected mental illness conditions (combined): substance-related disorders; schizophrenia, delusional and non-organic psychotic disorders; mood/affective disorders; anxiety disorders; and selected disorders of adult personality and behaviour, population aged 15+ HMHDB-CIHI (2009-2012) Numerator: Discharges following mental illness hospitalizations for the five selected mental illness conditions (combined);
Denominator: Total within population of interest (2011 Census counts), multiplied by 4
Mood disorder Youth (12-17 years) Reported having a mood disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder, mania or dysthymia, which has been diagnosed by a health professional and that expected to last or have already lasted >=6 months, population 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported having a mood disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder, mania or dysthymia;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 12-17.
Adults (18+ years) Reported having a mood disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder, mania or dysthymia, which has been diagnosed by a health professional and that expected to last or have already lasted >=6 months, population 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported having a mood disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder, mania or dysthymia;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 18+.
Seniors (65+ years) Reported having a mood disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder, mania or dysthymia, which has been diagnosed by a health professional and that expected to last or have already lasted >=6 months, population 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported having a mood disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder, mania or dysthymia;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 65+.
Anxiety disorder Youth (12-17 years) Reported having an anxiety disorder such as a phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder or a panic disorder, which has been diagnosed by a health professional and that expected to last or have already lasted ≥ 6 months, population 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported having an anxiety disorder such as a phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder or a panic disorder;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 12-17+.
Adults (18+ years) Reported having an anxiety disorder such as a phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder or a panic disorder, which has been diagnosed by a health professional and that expected to last or have already lasted ≥ 6 months, population 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported having an anxiety disorder such as a phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder or a panic disorder;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 18+.
Seniors (65+ years) Reported having an anxiety disorder such as a phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder or a panic disorder, which has been diagnosed by a health professional and that expected to last or have already lasted ≥ 6 months, population 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported having an anxiety disorder such as a phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder or a panic disorder;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 65+.
Suicidal thoughts, lifetime Youth (15-17 years) Reported having ever seriously considered suicide or taking own life in lifetime, population aged 15-17 years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 15-17, who reported having ever seriously considered suicide or taking own life in lifetime;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 15-17.
Adults (18+ years) Reported having ever seriously considered suicide or taking own life in lifetime, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported having ever seriously considered suicide or taking own life in lifetime;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 18+.
Seniors (65+ years) Reported having ever seriously considered suicide or taking own life in lifetime, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported having ever seriously considered suicide or taking own life in lifetime;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 65+.
Suicidal thoughts, past year Youth (15-17 years) Reported having seriously considered suicide or taking own life in the past 12 months, population aged 15-17 years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 15-17, who reported having seriously considered suicide or taking own life in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 15-17.
Adults (18+ years) Reported having seriously considered suicide or taking own life in the past 12 months, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported having seriously considered suicide or taking own life in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 18+.
Seniors (65+ years) Reported having seriously considered suicide or taking own life in the past 12 months, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported having seriously considered suicide or taking own life in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 65+.
Suicidal plans, lifetime Youth (15-17 years) Reported making a plan to attempt suicide in lifetime, population aged 15-17 years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 15-17, who reported making a plan to attempt suicide in lifetime;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 15-17.
Adults (18+ years) Reported making a plan to attempt suicide in lifetime, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported making a plan to attempt suicide in lifetime;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 18+.
Seniors (65+ years) Reported making a plan to attempt suicide in lifetime, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported making a plan to attempt suicide in lifetime;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 65+.
Suicidal plans, past year Youth (15-17 years) Reported making a plan to attempt suicide in the past 12 months, population aged 15-17 years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 15-17, who reported making a plan to attempt suicide in the past 12 months in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 15-17.
Adults (18+ years) Reported making a plan to attempt suicide in the past 12 months, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported making a plan to attempt suicide in the past 12 months in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 18+.
Seniors (65+ years) Reported making a plan to attempt suicide in the past 12 months, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported making a plan to attempt suicide in the past 12 months in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 65+.
Suicidal attempts, lifetime Youth (15-17 years) Reported having ever seriously attempted suicide in lifetime, population aged 15-17 years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 15-17, who reported having ever seriously attempted suicide in lifetime;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 15-17.
Adults (18+ years) Reported having ever seriously attempted suicide in lifetime, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported having ever seriously attempted suicide in lifetime;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 18+.
Seniors (65+ years) Reported having ever seriously attempted suicide in lifetime, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported having ever seriously attempted suicide in lifetime;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 65+.
Suicidal attempts, past year Youth (15-17 years) Reported having seriously attempted suicide in the past 12 months, population aged 15-17 years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 15-17, who reported having seriously attempted suicide in the past 12 months in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 15-17.
Adults (18+ years) Reported having seriously attempted suicide in the past 12 months, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported having seriously attempted suicide in the past 12 months in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 18+.
Seniors (65+ years) Reported having seriously attempted suicide in the past 12 months, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported having seriously attempted suicide in the past 12 months in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents aged 65+.
Self-Assessed Physical and Mental Health
Indicator Life Course Indicator Description Source (Year) Method of Calculation Available Stratifiers
Perceived health, excellent or very good Youth (12-17 years) Reported their own health status as being either "excellent" or "very good", population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported their own health status as being either "excellent" or "very good";
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17+
Adults (18+ years) Reported their own health status as being either "excellent" or "very good", population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported their own health status as being either "excellent" or "very good";
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported their own health status as being either "excellent" or "very good", population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported their own health status as being either "excellent" or "very good";
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Perceived health, fair or poor Youth (12-17 years) Reported their own health status as being either "fair" or "poor", population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17+, who reported their own health status as being either "fair" or "poor";
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported their own health status as being either "fair" or "poor", population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported their own health status as being either "fair" or "poor";
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported their own health status as being either "fair" or "poor", population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported their own health status as being either "fair" or "poor";
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Perceived mental health, excellent or very good Youth (12-17 years) Reported their own mental health status as being either "excellent" or "very good", population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported their own mental health status as being either "excellent" or "very good";
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported their own mental health status as being either "excellent" or "very good", population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported their own mental health status as being either "excellent" or "very good";
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported their own mental health status as being either "excellent" or "very good", population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported their own mental health status as being either "excellent" or "very good";
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Perceived mental health, fair or poor Youth (12-17 years) Reported their own mental health status as being either "fair" or "poor", population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported their own mental health status as being either "fair" or "poor";
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported their own mental health status as being either "fair" or "poor", population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported their own mental health status as being either "fair" or "poor";
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported their own mental health status as being either "fair" or "poor", population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported their own mental health status as being either "fair" or "poor";
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Satisfaction with life in general, very satisfied or satisfied Youth (12-17 years) Reported being "very satisfied" or "satisfied" with life in general, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported being "very satisfied" or "satisfied" with life in general;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported being "very satisfied" or "satisfied" with life in general, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported being "very satisfied" or "satisfied" with life in general;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported being "very satisfied" or "satisfied" with life in general, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported being "very satisfied" or "satisfied" with life in general;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Perceived life stress, quite a bit or extremely stressful, past year Youth (12-17 years) Reported that most of their days in life were quite stressful or extremely stressful, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17 years, who reported that most of their days in life were quite stressful or extremely stressful;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17 years.
Adults (18+ years) Reported that most of their days in life were quite stressful or extremely stressful, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+ years, who reported that most of their days in life were quite stressful or extremely stressful in the past year;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+ years.
Seniors (65+ years) Reported that most of their days in life were quite stressful or extremely stressful, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+ years, who reported that most of their days in life were quite stressful or extremely stressful in the past year;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+ years.
Having an emotional, psychological or mental health condition Adults (18+ years) Adults aged 18+ reporting experiencing any emotional, psychological or mental health conditions (e.g., anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, anorexia, etc.) Census 2021 Numerator: Number of Census of Population respondents, aged 18 years and older, who reported that they “sometimes," "often" or "always" experience any emotional, psychological or mental health conditions (e.g., anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, anorexia, etc.) ;
Denominator: Census of Population respondents, aged 18+ years
Disease / Health Condition
Indicator Life Course Indicator Description Source (Year) Method of Calculation Available Stratifiers
Cancer incidence - total for all cancers General population New primary sites of cancer (malignant and neoplasm), total population CCR (2013-2017) Numerator: Total number of new primary sites of cancer (3 years for province, 5 years for territories);
Denominator: Total Canadian population (2016 Census counts), multiplied by 3 for all regions except the territories, and multiplied by 5 for all territories (Quebec is excluded from the numerator and denominator)
Female breast cancer incidence General population New primary sites of female breast cancer (malignant and neoplasm) (ICD-O-3: C50.0 to C50.9), total population of females CCR (2013-2017) Numerator: Total number of new primary sites of female breast cancer (3 years for province, 5 years for territories);
Denominator: Total Canadian population (2016 Census counts), multiplied by 3 for all regions except the territories, and multiplied by 5 for all territories (Quebec is excluded from the numerator and denominator)
Prostate cancer incidence General population New primary sites of prostate cancer (malignant and neoplasm) (ICD-O-3: C61.9), total population of males CCR (2013-2017) Numerator: Total number of new primary sites of prostate cancer (3 years for province, 5 years for territories);
Denominator: Total Canadian population (2016 Census counts), multiplied by 3 for all regions except the territories, and multiplied by 5 for all territories (Quebec is excluded from the numerator and denominator)
Colorectal cancer incidence General population New primary sites of colorectal cancer (malignant and neoplasm) (ICD-O-3: C18.0 to C18.9, C19.9, C20.9, C26.0), total population CCR (2013-2017) Numerator: Total number of new primary sites of colorectal cancer (3 years for province, 5 years for territories);
Denominator: Total Canadian population (2016 Census counts), multiplied by 3 for all regions except the territories, and multiplied by 5 for all territories (Quebec is excluded from the numerator and denominator)
Lung cancer incidence General population New primary sites of lung cancer (malignant and neoplasm) (ICD-O-3: C34.0 to C34.9), total population CCR (2013-2017) Numerator: Total number of new primary sites of lung cancer (3 years for province, 5 years for territories);
Denominator: Total Canadian population (2016 Census counts), multiplied by 3 for all regions except the territories, and multiplied by 5 for all territories (Quebec is excluded from the numerator and denominator)
Arthritis Adults (18+ years) Reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having arthritis, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having arthritis;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having arthritis, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having arthritis;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Adults (35+) Reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having chronic bronchitis, emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD, population aged 35+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 35+, who reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having chronic bronchitis, emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 35+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having chronic bronchitis, emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having chronic bronchitis, emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Cancer prevalence Adults (18+ years) Reported that they have cancer, which has been diagnosed by a health professional, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported that they have cancer, which has been diagnosed by a health professional;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported that they have cancer, which has been diagnosed by a health professional, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported that they have cancer, which has been diagnosed by a health professional;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Asthma Youth (12-17 years) Reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having asthma, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having asthma;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having asthma, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having asthma;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having asthma, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having asthma;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Diabetes, including gestational (self-reported) Adults (18+ years) Reported they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having diabetes (including gestational diabetes), population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having diabetes (including gestational diabetes);
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Diabetes, excluding gestational (self-reported) Adults (18+ years) Reported they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having diabetes (excluding gestational diabetes), population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having diabetes (excluding gestational diabetes);
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Diabetes (self-reported) Seniors (65+ years) Reported they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having diabetes, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having diabetes;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Diabetes, excluding gestational (self-reported and measured) Adults (18-79 years) Reported and measured diabetes (excluding gestational diabetes), population aged 18-79 years CHMS Cycle 4, 5 & 6 (2014-2019) Numerator: Number of CHMS respondents, aged 18-79, with diabetes (excluding gestational) from self-report and laboratory-measured blood values (Hb1Ac ≥ 6.5%);
Denominator: CHMS respondents, aged 18-79
Hypertension Adults (18+ years) Reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having high blood pressure or took medication for high blood pressure in the past month, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having high blood pressure or took medication for high blood pressure in the past month;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having high blood pressure or took medication for high blood pressure in the past month, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having high blood pressure or took medication for high blood pressure in the past month;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Heart disease Adults (18+ years) Reported they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having heart disease, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having heart disease;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having heart disease, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported that they have been diagnosed by a health professional as having heart disease;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Suffers from the effects of a stroke Seniors (65+ years) Reported they have suffered from the effects of a stroke, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported that they have suffered from the effects of a stroke;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Dental pain or discomfort, past month Youth (12-17 years) Reported they sometimes or often experienced pain/discomfort in their teeth/gums in the past month, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2007-2008) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who report that they sometimes or often experienced pain/discomfort in their teeth/gums in the past month;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported they sometimes or often experienced pain/discomfort in their teeth/gums in the past month, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2007-2008) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who report that they sometimes or often experienced pain/discomfort in their teeth/gums in the past month;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Inability to chew Youth (12-17 years) Reported they have an inability to chew, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2007-2008) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported that they have an inability to chew;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported they have an inability to chew, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2007-2008) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported that they have an inability to chew;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Decay-missing-filled-teeth (DMFT/dmft) index Children/youth (6-17 years) Have decayed, missing, or filled permanent (DMFT) or primary teeth (dmft) (index >= 1), population aged 6-17 years CHMS (2007-2009) Numerator: Number of CHMS respondents, aged 6-17, with decayed, missing, or filled permanent or primary teeth (DMFT/dmft index >= 1);
Denominator: CHMS respondents, aged 6-17
Missing teeth (<21 teeth) Adults (18-79 years) Have missing teeth and fewer than 21 remaining, population aged 18-79 years CHMS (2007-2009) Numerator: Number of CHMS respondents, aged 18-79, with less than 21 teeth remaining;
Denominator: CHMS respondents, aged 18-79
Active tuberculosis disease (reported cases) General population Active tuberculosis cases (newly diagnosed or re-treatment) CTBRS (2010-2014) Five years cumulative;
Numerator: [2010-2012] PHAC (2015), Tuberculosis in Canada 2012 / [2013] PHAC (2015), Tuberculosis in Canada 2013 – Pre-release / [2014] PHAC (2016), Tuberculosis in Canada 2014 – Pre-release;
Denominator: [First Nations on and off reserve, 2010-2012] Registered Indian Population, Household and Family Projections 2004-2029, INAC (2007) / [First Nations on and off reserve, 2013 and 2014] AANDC (2012), Registered Indian Population, Household and Family Projections 2009-2034 / [Inuit and Métis and Total Indigenous, 2010-2012] StatCan, Projections of the Aboriginal populations, Canada, provinces and territories 2001 to 2017 (Catalogue No. 91-547-XIE) / [Inuit and Métis and Total Indigenous, 2013 and 2014] StatCan, Population Projections by Aboriginal Identity in Canada, 2006 to 2031 (Catalogue No. 91-552-X) / [Foreign-born population, 2010-2012] StatCan, Custom Product / [Foreign-born population, 2013 and 2014] StatCan, Custom Tabulation - 2011 NHS.
HIV incidence (estimate per 100,000 population) General population Estimate of new HIV cases in the population National HIV/AIDS Surveillance System (2020) Numerator: Estimated number of new HIV cases;
Denominator: Population of Canada (and sub-populations, source dependant on stratifier)
HIV diagnosis rate (per 100,000 population) General population Average annual rate of reported HIV diagnoses National HIV/AIDS Surveillance System (20015-2020) Numerator: Number of disagnosed HIV cases, 6 years cumulative;
Denominator: Annual Demographic Statistics (from Demography Division, Statistics Canada)

Health Determinants

Health Behaviours
Indicator Life Course Indicator Description Source (Year) Method of Calculation Available Stratifiers
Smoking during pregnancy Adults (15-55 years) Women aged 15-55 years who reported smoking cigarettes during their most recent pregnancy (within previous 5 years) CCHS (2017-2018) Numerator: Number of female CCHS respondents aged 15-55 having given birth in the previous 5 years who reported having smoked cigarettes at least once during their most recent pregnancy (after having found out they were pregnant and/or in the last 3 months);
Denominator: female CCHS respondents aged 15-55 having given birth in the previous 5 years.
Drinking during pregnancy Adults (15-55 years) Women aged 15-55 years who reported drinking any alcohol during their most recent pregnancy (within previous 5 years) CCHS (2017-2018) Numerator: Number of female CCHS respondents aged 15-55 having given birth in the previous 5 years who reported having consumed any alcohol during their most recent pregnancy (after having found out they were pregnant and/or in the last 3 months);
Denominator: Female CCHS respondents aged 15-55 having given birth in the previous 5 years
Alcohol use, heavy drinking Youth (12-17 years) Reported having 5 (male) /4 (female) or more drinks in one occasion, between once a month to more than once a week over the past year, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported having 5 (male) /4 (female) or more drinks in one occasion, between once a month to more than once a week over the past year;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported having 5 (male) /4 (female) or more drinks in one occasion, between once a month to more than once a week over the past year, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported having 5 (male) /4 (female) or more drinks in one occasion, between once a month to more than once a week over the past year;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported having 5 (male) /4 (female) or more drinks in one occasion, between once a month to more than once a week over the past year, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported having 5 (male) /4 (female) or more drinks in one occasion, between once a month to more than once a week over the past year;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Frequent present alcohol drinking Youth (grades 6-10) Reported drinking beer, or wine, or liquor/spirits, or coolers (alcopops) or any other drink that contains alcohol, every week or every day, population in grades 6-10 HBSC (2009/10, 2013/14) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 6-10, who reported drinking beer, or wine, or liquor/spirits, or coolers (alcopops) or any other drink that contains alcohol every week or every day;
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 6-10.
Drunkenness in lifetime Youth (grades 6-10) Reported having ever been really drunk in lifetime, population in grades 6-10 HBSC (2009/10, 2013/14) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 6-10, who reported having ever been really drunk in lifetime;
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 6-10.
Smoking, daily or occasionally Youth (12-17 years) Reported being a current smoker (either daily or occasional), does not take into account the number of cigarettes smoked, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported being a current smoker (either daily or occasional);
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported being a current smoker (either daily or occasional), does not take into account the number of cigarettes smoked, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported being a current smoker (either daily or occasional);
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported being a current smoker (either daily or occasional), does not take into account the number of cigarettes smoked, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported being a current smoker (either daily or occasional);
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Current smoking Youth (grades 6-10) Reported smoking at present, population in grades 6-10 HBSC (2009/10, 2013/14) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 6-10, who reported smoking at present;
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 6-10.
E-cigarettes use Youth (grades 6-10) Reported having ever smoked or used e-cigarettes, population in grades 6-10 HBSC (2013/14) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 6-10, who reported having ever smoked or used e-cigarettes;
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 6-10.
Tobacco product use Youth (grades 6-10) Reported having ever smoked or used tobacco products (flavoured tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, snus, gutkha, hard snuff, e-cigarettes), population in grades 6-10 HBSC (2013/14) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 6-10, who reported having ever smoked or used tobacco products (flavoured tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, snus, gutkha, hard snuff, e-cigarettes);
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 6-10.
Cannabis use in past 12 months Youth (grades 9-10) Reported having used marijuana or cannabis (e.g., hash/marijuana/pot/grass) in last 12 months, population in grades 9-10 HBSC (2009/10, 2013/14) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 9-10, who reported having used marijuana or cannabis (a joint, pot, weed, hash) in last 12 months;
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 9-10.
Breastfeeding, initiation Adults (18-55 years) Women aged 18-55 who gave birth in last 5 years and breastfed or tried to breastfeed their last baby (including short duration) CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of female CCHS respondents aged 18-55 who gave birth in last 5 years and initiated breastfeeding (or tried to initiate breastfeeding) with their last baby;
Denominator: Female CCHS respondents aged 18-55 who gave birth in last 5 years.
Breastfeeding, exclusive Adults (18-55 years) Women aged 18-55 who gave birth in last 5 years and breastfed their last baby exclusively for at least the first 6 months of life (the child received only breast milk, without any additional liquid or solid food) CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of female CCHS respondents aged 18-55 who gave birth in last 5 years and breastfed their last child exclusively for at least the first 6 months of life;
Denominator: Female CCHS respondents aged 18-55 who gave birth in last 5 years.
Fruit/vegetable consumption, 5 or more times per day Youth (12-17 years) Reported consuming fruits and vegetables 5 times or more per day, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported consuming fruits and vegetables 5 times or more per day;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported consuming fruits and vegetables 5 times or more per day, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported consuming fruits and vegetables 5 times or more per day;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported consuming fruits and vegetables 5 times or more per day, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported consuming fruits and vegetables 5 times or more per day;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Physically active (self-reported) Youth (12-17 years) Reported meeting the average of 60 minutes of daily moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity recommended by the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines, including vigorous-intensity activities at least 3 of the last 7 days, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported meeting the 60 minutes of daily moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity recommended by the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines, including vigorous-intensity activities at least 3 of the last 7 days;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported being physically active at or above recommended level from Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines as having at least 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week, in bouts of 10 minutes or more, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported being physically active at or above recommended level from Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines as having at least 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week, in bouts of 10 minutes or more;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported being physically active at or above recommended level from Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines as having at least 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week, in bouts of 10 minutes or more, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported being physically active at or above recommended level from Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines as having at least 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week, in bouts of 10 minutes or more;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Active transportation to school (walking or biking) Youth (grades 6-10) Reported walking or biking to school on a typical day, population in grades 6-10 HBSC (2009/10, 2013/14) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 6-10, who reported walking or biking to school on a typical day;
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 6-10.
Playing outdoors >=2 hours/day Youth (grades 6-10) Reported playing outdoors at least 2 hours a day outside school hours, population in grades 6-10 HBSC (2013/14) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 6-10, who reported playing outdoors at least 2 hours a day outside school hours;
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 6-10.
Screen time not meeting guidelines (>2 hours/day) Youth (grades 6-10) Reported spending more than 2 hours per day in their free time on watching TV, videos, DVDs, and other entertainment on a screen, or playing games on a computer, games console, tablet, smartphone or other electronic device (not including moving or fitness games; weekdays), or using electronic devices such as computers, tablets or smartphones for other purposes (e.g., homework, emailing, tweeting, Facebook, chatting, surfing the internet). Screen time of 2 hours per day is the maximum recommended by the Canadian 24 hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth between the ages of 5-17 years. Population in grades 6-10 HBSC (2009/10, 2013/14) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 6-10, who reported spending more than 2 hours per day in their free time on watching TV, videos, DVDs, and other entertainment on a screen, or playing games on a computer, games console, tablet), smartphone or other electronic device (not including moving or fitness games;
weekdays), or using electronic devices such as computers, tablets or smartphones for other purposes (e.g., homework, emailing, tweeting, Facebook, chatting, surfing the internet);
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 6-10.
Meeting recommended sleep time in last week Youth (grades 6-10) Reported meeting recommended sleep time in last week (recommended sleep time is 9-11 and 8-10 hours a day for children aged <14 years and >=14 years, respectively as per the Canadian 24 hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth between the ages of 5-17 years). Population in grades 6-10 HBSC (2013/14) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 6-10, who reported meeting recommended sleep time last week (recommended sleep time is 9-11 and 8-10 hours a day for children aged <14 years and >=14 years);
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 6-10.
Brushing teeth twice a day or more Youth (grades 6-10) Reported brushing their teeth twice a day or more, population in grade 6-10 students HBSC (2017/18) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 6-10 students, who report brushing their teeth more than once a day;
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 6-10 students
Physical and Social Environment
Indicator Life Course Indicator Description Source (Year) Method of Calculation Available Stratifiers
Exposure to second-hand smoke at home Youth (12-17 years) Current non-smokers who reported exposure to second hand smoke at home, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported that they do not smoke and that at least one person smoked inside their home every day or almost every day;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, who reported that they do not smoke, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Current non-smokers who reported exposure to second hand smoke at home, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported that they do not smoke and that at least one person smoked inside their home every day or almost every day;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, who reported that they do not smoke, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Current non-smokers who reported exposure to second hand smoke at home, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported that they do not smoke and that at least one person smoked inside their home every day or almost every day;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, who reported that they do not smoke, aged 65+
Exposure to second-hand smoke in vehicles or public places, past month Youth (12-17 years) Current non-smokers who reported exposure to second-hand smoke at workplace/school, or in private vehicles or public places , in the past month, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported that they do not smoke and who reported being exposed to second-hand smoke at workplace/school, or in private vehicles or public places every day or almost every day during the past month;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, who reported that they do not smoke, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Current non-smokers who reported exposure to second-hand smoke at workplace/school, or in private vehicles or public places , in the past month, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported that they do not smoke and who reported being exposed to second-hand smoke at workplace/school, or in private vehicles or public places every day or almost every day during the past month;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, who reported that they do not smoke, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Current non-smokers who reported exposure to second-hand smoke at workplace/school, or in private vehicles or public places , in the past month, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported that they do not smoke and who reported being exposed to second-hand smoke at workplace/school, or in private vehicles or public places every day or almost every day during the past month;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, who reported that they do not smoke, aged 65+
Sense of community belonging, somewhat strong or very strong Youth (12-17 years) Reported a sense of belonging to their local community as being very strong or somewhat strong, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported a sense of belonging to their local community as being somewhat strong or very strong;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported a sense of belonging to their local community as being very strong or somewhat strong, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported a sense of belonging to their local community as being somewhat strong or very strong;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported a sense of belonging to their local community as being very strong or somewhat strong, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported a sense of belonging to their local community as being somewhat strong or very strong;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65
Living alone Seniors (65+ years) Unattached individual living alone and reported living alone (household size=1), population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who are Unattached individual living alone and reported living alone (household size=1);
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Family support Youth (grades 6-10) Reported having high family support based on a Family Support scale composite score that is higher than the 66.7th percentile of all respondents. The Family Support scale is made up of four items reported on a 5-point scale from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree". These items include having family members who try to help and who offer emotional support when needed, being able to talk to a family member about any problems, and having family members who are willing to help a young person make decisions. Population in grades 6-10 HBSC (2013/14) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 6-10, who reported having a high level of family support;
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 6-10.
Friend support Youth (grades 6-10) Reported having high friend support based on a Friend Support scale composite score that is higher than the 67.7th percentile of all respondents. The Friend Support scale is made up of four items reported on a 5-point scale from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree". These items include having friends who try to help and who offer emotional support when needed, and being able to talk to friends about any problems. Population in grades 6-10 HBSC (2013/14) Numerator: Number of HBSC respondents, grades 6-10, who reported having a high level of friend support;
Denominator: HBSC respondents, grades 6-10.
Living in unsuitable housing General population Reported living in a household which is below suitability standard (insufficient number of bedrooms per number of occupants) CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of persons living in households which is below suitability standard (insufficient number of bedrooms per number of occupants). Denominator: Number of persons in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Living in unaffordable housing General population Reported living in a household which is below affordability standard (more than 30% of total before-tax household income spent on shelter costs) CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of persons living in households which is below affordability standard (more than 30% of total before-tax household income spent on shelter costs). Denominator: Number of persons in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Living in inadequate housing General population Reported living in a household which is below adequacy standard (needs major repairs) CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of persons living in households which is below adequacy standard (needs major repairs). Denominator: Number of persons in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Living in core housing need (CHS) General population Reported living in a household which is in core housing need (housing fails to meet at least one of three standards established for housing adequacy, suitability, and affordability, and household cannot afford alternative local housing) CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of persons living in households which is in core housing need (housing fails to meet at least one of three standards established for housing adequacy, suitability, and affordability, and household cannot afford alternative local housing). Denominator: Number of persons in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Living in housing below standards (CHS) General population Reported living in a household which fails to meet at least one of three standards established for housing adequacy, suitability, and affordability CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of persons living in households which fail to meet at least one of three standards established for housing adequacy, suitability, and affordability. Denominator: Number of persons in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Dwelling ownership General population Reported living in a household owned by a member of the household. CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of persons living in households owned by a household member. Denominator: Number of persons in Canadian Housing Survey Details
On waitlist for social and affordable housing General population Reported a household member currently on a waitlist for social and affordable (subsidized) housing CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of persons reporting a household member currently on a waitlist for social and affordable (subsidized) housing. Denominator: number of persons in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Experience of pests in the dwelling, past year General population Reported experiencing infestations of unwanted pests in the dwelling in the past 12 months CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of persons reporting experience of infestations of unwanted pests in the dwelling in the past 12 months . Denominator: Number of persons in CHS Details
Experience of mould or mildew in the dwelling, past year General population Reported experiencing patches of mould or mildew larger than one square metre in the dwelling in the past 12 months CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of persons reporting experience of patches of mould or mildew larger than one square metre in the dwelling in the past 12 months . Denominator: Number of persons in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Experience of poor air quality in the dwelling, past year General population Reported experiencing regular poor indoor air quality due to odours coming from neighbours or from outside in the dwelling in the past 12 months CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of persons reporting experience of regular poor indoor air quality due to odours coming from neighbours or from outside in the dwelling in the past 12 months . Denominator: Number of persons in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Experience of undrinkable water in the dwelling, past year General population Reported experiencing undrinkable water from the faucets lasting more than one week in the dwelling in the past 12 months CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of persons reporting experience of undrinkable water from the faucets lasting more than one week in the dwelling in the past 12 months . Denominator: Number of persons in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Experience of at least one issue in the dwelling, past year General population Reported living in a household experiencing at least one of the dwelling issues (pests, mould or mildew, undrinkable water, and poor indoor air quality) in the past 12 months CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of persons reporting experience of at least one of the dwelling issues (pests, mould or mildew, undrinkable water, and poor indoor air quality) in the past 12 months . Denominator: Number of persons in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Dwelling satisfaction, very satisfied or satisfied Adults (15+ years) Reference person reported being very satisfied or satisfied with their dwelling, population aged 15+ years CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ reporting being very satisfied or satisfied with their dwelling. Denominator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Neighbourhood satisfaction, very satisfied or satisfied Adults (15+ years) Reference person reported being very satisfied or satisfied with their neighbourhood, population aged 15+ years CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ reporting being very satisfied or satisfied with their neighbourhood. Denominator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Perception of neighbourhood safety Adults (15+ years) Reference person reported feeling very safe or reasonably safe from crime walking alone in the neighbourhood after dark, population aged 15+ years CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ reporting feeling very safe or reasonably safe from crime walking alone in their neighbourhood after dark. Denominator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Experience of homelessness, lifetime Adults (15+ years) Reference person reported that they have ever been homeless (having to live in a homeless shelter, on the street or in parks, in a makeshift shelter or in an abandoned building), population aged 15+ years CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ reporting having ever been homeless ( (having to live in a homeless shelter, on the street or in parks, in a makeshift shelter or in an abandoned building). Denominator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Experience of homelessness, past 10 years Adults (15+ years) Reference person reported that they have ever been homeless (having to live in a homeless shelter, on the street or in parks, in a makeshift shelter or in an abandoned building) in the past 10 years, population aged 15+ years CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ reporting having ever been homeless (having to live in a homeless shelter, on the street or in parks, in a makeshift shelter or in an abandoned building) in the past 10 years. Denominator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Moving in last 5 years – forced to move Adults (15+ years) Reference person reported that they moved in last 5 years because forced to move by a landlord, a bank or other financial institution or the government, population aged 15+ years CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ reporting moved in last 5 years because forced to move by a landlord, a bank or other financial institution or the government. Denominator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ in Canadian Housing Survey Details
At least one neighbourhood issue reported as a big problem Adults (15+ years) Reference person reported at least one of 9 neighbourhood issues (noisy neighbours or loud parties, people hanging around on the streets, garbage or litter lying around, vandalism/graffiti/other damage, attacks motivated by race/ethno./religion, people using or dealing drugs, people being drunk or rowdy in public, abandoned buildings, smog or air pollution) as a big problem, population aged 15+ years CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ reporting at least one of 9 neighbourhood issues (noisy neighbours or loud parties, people hanging around on the streets, garbage or litter lying around, vandalism/graffiti/other damage, attacks motivated by race/ethno./religion, people using or dealing drugs, people being drunk or rowdy in public, abandoned buildings, smog or air pollution) as a big problem. Denominator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Needs not met for at least one service in the neighbourhood Adults (15+ years) Reference person reported needs not met for at least one of 9 services (child care facilities, community support, cultural facilities, employment services, free/low-cost recreation facilities, medical services, public transportation, schools, and shops/stores/markets) in the neighbourhood, population aged 15+ years CHS 2018 Numerator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ reporting needs not met for at least one of 9 services (child care facilities, community support, cultural facilities, employment services, free/low-cost recreation facilities, medical services, public transportation, schools, and shops/stores/markets) in the neighbourhood. Denominator: Number of reference persons aged 15+ in Canadian Housing Survey Details
Core housing need (Census) General population Reported living in a household which is either not affordable (≥30% of annual household income), requiring major repair, or not sufficient in size, and household cannot afford alternative local housing (would have to spend ≥30% or more of its total before-tax income to pay the median rent of alternative local housing that is acceptable). Census 2021 Numerator: Number of people who reported living in a household which is either not affordable (≥30% of annual household income), requiring major repair, or not sufficient in size, and household cannot afford alternative local housing (would have to spend 30% or more of its total before-tax income to pay the median rent of alternative local housing that is acceptable);
Denominator: Census of Population respondents.
Housing below standard (Census) General population Reported living in a household which is either not affordable (≥30% of annual household income), requiring major repair, or not sufficient in size. Census 2021 Numerator: Number of people who reported living in a household which is either not affordable (≥30% of annual household income), requireing major repair, or not sufficient in size;
Denominator: Census of Population respondents.
Working Conditions
Indicator Life Course Indicator Description Source (Year) Method of Calculation Available Stratifiers
Workplace stress, quite a bit or extremely stressful, past year Adults (18-75 years) Reported that most days at work were quite stressful or extremely stressful in the past year, population aged 18-75 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents who worked at a job or business in the past year, aged 18-75, who reported that most days at work were quite stressful or extremely stressful;
Denominator: CCHS respondents who worked at a job or business in the past year, aged 18-75
Health Care
Indicator Life Course Indicator Description Source (Year) Method of Calculation Available Stratifiers
Contact with medical doctor, past year Youth (12-17 years) Reported having seen or talked to a family doctor, general practitioner, or any other medical doctor or specialist, such as a surgeon, allergist, orthopaedist, gynaecologist/urologist, or psychiatrist (about their physical, emotional or mental health) in past year, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported having seen or talked to a family doctor, general practitioner, or any other medical doctor or specialist, such as a surgeon, allergist, orthopaedist, gynaecologist/urologist, or psychiatrist (about their physical, emotional or mental health) in past year;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported having seen or talked to a family doctor, general practitioner, or any other medical doctor or specialist, such as a surgeon, allergist, orthopaedist, gynaecologist/urologist, or psychiatrist (about their physical, emotional or mental health) in past year, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported having seen or talked to a family doctor, general practitioner, or any other medical doctor or specialist, such as a surgeon, allergist, orthopaedist, gynaecologist/urologist, or psychiatrist (about their physical, emotional or mental health) in past year;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported having seen or talked to a family doctor, general practitioner, or any other medical doctor or specialist, such as a surgeon, allergist, orthopaedist, gynaecologist/urologist, or psychiatrist (about their physical, emotional or mental health) in past year, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported having seen or talked to a family doctor, general practitioner, or any other medical doctor or specialist, such as a surgeon, allergist, orthopaedist, gynaecologist/urologist, or psychiatrist (about their physical, emotional or mental health) in past year;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Contact with dental professional, past year Youth (12-17 years) Reported having seen or talked to a dentist, dental hygienist or orthodontist in the past year, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, within the population of interest who reported having seen or talked to a dentist, dental hygienist or orthodontist in the past year;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported having seen or talked to a dentist, dental hygienist or orthodontist in the past year, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, within the population of interest who reported having seen or talked to a dentist, dental hygienist or orthodontist in the past year;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported having seen or talked to a dentist, dental hygienist or orthodontist in the past year, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, within the population of interest who reported having seen or talked to a dentist, dental hygienist or orthodontist in the past year;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Not seen dental professional, past year Children/youth (6-17 years) Reported not having seen a dental professional in the past year, among those who usually visit a dental professional, population aged 6-17 years CHMS (2007-2009) Numerator: Number of CHMS respondents, aged 6-17, who reported not having seen a dental professional in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CHMS respondents, who reported that they usually see a dental professional, aged 6-17
Adults (18-79 years) Reported not having seen a dental professional in the past year, among those who usually visit a dental professional, population aged 18-79 years CHMS (2007-2009) Numerator: Number of CHMS respondents who reported that they usually see a dental professional, aged 18-79, who reported not having seen a dental professional in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CHMS respondents who reported that they usually see a dental professional, aged 18-79
Talked to a health professional about emotional or mental health, past year Youth (12-17 years) Reported that they have seen or talked to a health professional about their emotional or mental health in the past year, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported that they have seen or talked to a health professional about their emotional or mental health in the past year;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported that they have seen or talked to a health professional about their emotional or mental health in the past year, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported that they have seen or talked to a health professional about their emotional or mental health in the past year;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported that they have seen or talked to a health professional about their emotional or mental health in the past year, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2016) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported that they have seen or talked to a health professional about their emotional or mental health in the past year;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Have a regular health care provider Youth (12-17 years) Reported having a regular health care provider, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported having a regular health care provider;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported having a regular health care provider, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported having a regular health care provider;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported having a regular health care provider, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported having a regular health care provider;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Dental insurance coverage Youth (12-17 years) Reported having dental insurance or a government program that covers all/ part of dental expenses, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported having dental insurance or a government program that covers all/ part of dental expenses;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported having dental insurance or a government program that covers all/ part of dental expenses, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported having dental insurance or a government program that covers all/ part of dental expenses;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported having dental insurance or a government program that covers all/ part of dental expenses, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported having dental insurance or a government program that covers all/ part of dental expenses;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Absence of dental insurance Children/youth (6-17 years) Reported having no insurance (or government program) coverage, for dental expenses, population aged 6-17 years CHMS (2007-2009) Numerator: Number of CHMS respondents, aged 6-17, who reported having no insurance or government program coverage for dental expeses;
Denominator: CHMS respondents, aged 6-17
Adults (18-79 years) Reported having no insurance (or government program) coverage, for dental expenses, population aged 18-79 years CHMS (2007-2009) Numerator: Number of CHMS respondents, aged 18-79, who reported having no insurance or government program coverage for dental expenses;
Denominator: CHMS respondents, aged 18-79
Received at least one type of help (information/medication/counselling/other) for mental health problems, past year Youth (12-17 years) Reported having received at least one of the four types of help (information, medication, counselling, and other type of help) in the past 12 months, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported having received at least one of the four types of help (information, medication, counselling, and other type of help) in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported having received at least one of the four types of help (information, medication, counselling, and other type of help) in the past 12 months, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported having received at least one of the four types of help (information, medication, counselling, and other type of help) in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported having received at least one of the four types of help (information, medication, counselling, and other type of help) in the past 12 months, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported having received at least one of the four types of help (information, medication, counselling, and other type of help) in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Perceived need fully met for information for mental health problems, past year Youth (12-17 years) Reported perceived need fully met for information for mental health problems, past year, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported perceived need fully met for information for mental health problems in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported perceived need fully met for information for mental health problems, past year, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported perceived need fully met for information for mental health problems in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported perceived need fully met for information for mental health problems, past year, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported perceived need fully met for information for mental health problems in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Perceived need fully met for medication for mental health problems, past year Youth (12-17 years) Reported perceived need fully met for medication for mental health problems, past year, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported perceived need fully met for medication for mental health problems in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported perceived need fully met for medication for mental health problems, past year, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported perceived need fully met for medication for mental health problems in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported perceived need fully met for medication for mental health problems, past year, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported perceived need fully met for medication for mental health problems in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Perceived need fully met for counselling for mental health problems, past year Youth (12-17 years) Reported perceived need fully met for counselling for mental health problems, past year, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported perceived need fully met for counselling for mental health problems in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported perceived need fully met for counselling for mental health problems, past year, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported perceived need fully met for counselling for mental health problems in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported perceived need fully met for counselling for mental health problems, past year, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported perceived need fully met for counselling for mental health problems in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Perceived needs all met for mental health problems, past year Youth (12-17 years) Reported all perceived needs met for mental health problems, past year, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 12-17, who reported having received at least one of the four types of help (information, medication, counselling, and other type of help) in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17
Adults (18+ years) Reported all perceived needs met for mental health problems, past year, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported having received at least one of the four types of help (information, medication, counselling, and other type of help) in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported all perceived needs met for mental health problems, past year, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported having received at least one of the four types of help (information, medication, counselling, and other type of help) in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Home care services received, past year Adults (18+ years) Reported having received some forms of home care services in the past 12 months, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported having received some forms of home care services in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported having received some forms of home care services in the past 12 months, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported having received some forms of home care services in the past 12 months;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Satisfaction with home care services received Adults (18+ years) Reported being very or somewhat satisfied with home care services received last year, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 18+, who reported being very or somewhat satisfied with home care services received;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+
Seniors (65+ years) Reported being very or somewhat satisfied with home care services received last year, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 65+, who reported being very or somewhat satisfied with home care services received;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+
Colorectal cancer screening, in the recommended time period Adults (50-74 years) Reported that they had their last fecal occult blood test in the past 2 years, or flexible sigmoidoscopy in past 10 years, population aged 50-74 years CCHS (2017, 201718) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents, aged 50-74, who reported that they had their last fecal occult blood test in the past 2 years, or flexible sigmoidoscopy in past 10 years;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 50-74
Mammography screening, past 3 years Adults (50-74 years) Reported that they had their most recent mammogram within the past 3 years, women aged 50-74 years CCHS (2017, 201718) Numerator: Number of female CCHS respondents, aged 50-74, who reported that they had their most recent mammogram within the past 3 years;
Denominator: Female CCHS respondents, aged 50-74
Pap smear screening, past 3 years Adults (25-69 years) Reported that they had their last pap smear test within the past 3 years, female population aged 25-69 years, women aged 25-69 years CCHS (2017, 201718) Numerator: Number of female CCHS respondents, aged 25-69 who reported that they had their most recent pap smear test within the past 3 years;
Denominator: Female CCHS respondents, aged 25-69
Social Protection
Indicator Life Course Indicator Description Source (Year) Method of Calculation Available Stratifiers
Eligibility for employment insurance Adults (15-69 years) Beneficiaries of employment insurance (EI) among the unemployed, population aged 15-69 years EICS (2013) Numerator: Number of EICS respondents, aged 15-69, who were EI recipients;
Denominator: EICS respondents, eligible for employment insurance, aged 15-69
Subsidized care Children (1-5 years) Children aged 1-5 years in Canada (excluding Quebec) who are enrolled in a public subsidized child care program, or whose care is subject to subsidies or other financial assistance (other than tax deduction) SYC (2010-2011) Numerator: Total number of children aged 1 to 5 who are enrolled in a public subsidized care within the population of interest;
Denominator: SYC respondents (PMK, on behalf of child aged 1-5) (Quebec is excluded from the numerator and denominator)
Non-parental child care Children (1-5 years) Children aged 1-5 years in the care of someone other than a parent or guardian SYC (2010-2011) Numerator: Total number of children aged 1 to 5 in non-parental child care within the population of interest;
Denominator: SYC respondents (PMK, on behalf of child aged 1-5)
Daycare centre enrollment Children (1-5 years) Children aged 1-5 years in daycare centres SYC (2010-2011) Numerator: Total number of children aged 1 to 5 in daycare centre within the population of interest;
Denominator: SYC respondents (PMK, on behalf of child aged 1-5)
Social Inequities
Indicator Life Course Indicator Description Source (Year) Method of Calculation Available Stratifiers
Food insecurity, moderate or severe (individuals living in households with food insecurity) Youth (12-17 years) Reported living in households with severe or moderate food insecurity, derived from self-reported income-related difficulties accessing or utilizing food that influence the quantity or quality of food consumed, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents aged 12-17 years who reported living in households with moderate to severe food insecurity;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17 years
Adults (18+ years) Reported living in households with severe or moderate food insecurity, derived from self-reported income-related difficulties accessing or utilizing food that influence the quantity or quality of food consumed, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of adults aged 18+ years who reported living in households with moderate to severe food insecurity;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+ years
Seniors (65+ years) Reported living in households with severe or moderate food insecurity, derived from self-reported income-related difficulties accessing or utilizing food that influence the quantity or quality of food consumed, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2015-2018) Numerator: Number of adults aged 65+ years who reported living in households with moderate to severe food insecurity;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+ years
Food insecurity, marginal or moderate or severe (individuals living in households with food insecurity) Youth (12-17 years) Reported living in households with severe or moderate or marginal food insecurity, derived from self-reported income-related difficulties accessing or utilizing food that influence the quantity or quality of food consumed, population aged 12-17 years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of CCHS respondents aged 12-17 years who reported living in households with marginal or moderate to severe food insecurity;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 12-17 years
Adults (18+ years) Reported living in households with severe or moderate or marginal food insecurity, derived from self-reported income-related difficulties accessing or utilizing food that influence the quantity or quality of food consumed, population aged 18+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of adults aged 18+ years who reported living in households with marginal or moderate to severe food insecurity;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 18+ years
Seniors (65+ years) Reported living in households with severe or moderate or marginal food insecurity, derived from self-reported income-related difficulties accessing or utilizing food that influence the quantity or quality of food consumed, population aged 65+ years CCHS (2018, 2019) Numerator: Number of adults aged 65+ years who reported living in households with marginal or moderate to severe food insecurity;
Denominator: CCHS respondents, aged 65+ years
Children in low income families (according to low income cut-off) Children/youth (0-17 years) Children living in households that fall below the after-tax low income cut-off (LICO), population aged 17 years and under Census 2021 Numerator: Number of children living in economic families with incomes below after-tax LICO within the population of interest;
Denominator: Population aged 17 years and under, covered by the NHS
Children in low income families (according to market basket measure) Children/youth (0-17 years) Children living in households that fall below the market basket measure, population aged 17 years and under Census 2021 Numerator: Number of children living in economic families with incomes below the market basket measure within the population of interest;
Denominator: Population aged 17 years and under, covered by the NHS
Seniors in low income families (according to market basket measure) Seniors (65+ years) Seniors aged 65+ years, living in households that fall below the market basket measure (MBM) Census 2021 Numerator: Number of Seniors aged 65+ years, living in households that fall below the market basket measure (MBM);
Denominator: Census of Population respondents, aged 65+.
Working poor Adults (18-64 years) People  aged 18-64 years (excluding students) living independently and away from family of origin, who work a minimum of 910 hours per year and whose income after tax is known to be low according to the Low Income Measure (LIM) Census 2021 Numerator: Number of adults aged 18-64 years (excluding students) living independently and away from family of origin, who work a minimum of 910 hours per year and whose income after tax is known to be low according to the Low Income Measure (LIM);
Denominator:  Census of Population respondents, aged 18-64.
Early Childhood Development
Indicator Life Course Indicator Description Source (Year) Method of Calculation Available Stratifiers
Children vulnerable in at least one domain of early development Children (4-6 years) Kindergarten children who are vulnerable in one or more developmental domains (physical health and well-being, social competence, emotional maturity, language and cognitive development, communication skills and general knowledge) upon entry into school EDI (2013-2020) Numerator: Number of kindergarten children vulnerable in one or more developmental domains (physical health and well-being, social competence, emotional maturity, language and cognitive development, communication skills and general knowledge);
Denominator: All kindergarten-aged children in the participating provinces or territories with EDI data (AB, BC, MB, NFLD, NS, NWT, ON, PEI, QC, Yukon)
Children vulnerable in domain of physical health and well-being Children (4-6 years) Kindergarten children who are vulnerable in domain of physical health and well-being upon entry into school EDI (2013-2020) Numerator: Number of kindergarten children vulnerable in domain of physical health and well-being;
Denominator: All kindergarten-aged children in the participating provinces or territories with EDI data (AB, BC, MB, NFLD, NS, NWT, ON, PEI, QC, Yukon)
Children vulnerable in domain of social competence Children (4-6 years) Kindergarten children who are vulnerable in domain of social competence upon entry into school EDI (2013-2020) Numerator: Number of kindergarten children vulnerable in domain of social competence;
Denominator: All kindergarten-aged children in the participating provinces or territories with EDI data (AB, BC, MB, NFLD, NS, NWT, ON, PEI, QC, Yukon)
Children vulnerable in domain of emotional maturity Children (4-6 years) Kindergarten children who are vulnerable in domain of emotional maturity upon entry into school EDI (2013-2020) Numerator: Number of kindergarten children vulnerable in domain of emotional maturity;
Denominator: All kindergarten-aged children in the participating provinces or territories with EDI data (AB, BC, MB, NFLD, NS, NWT, ON, PEI, QC, Yukon)
Children vulnerable in domain of language and cognitive development Children (4-6 years) Kindergarten children who are vulnerable in domain of language and cognitive development upon entry into school EDI (2013-2020) Numerator: Number of kindergarten children vulnerable in domain of language and cognitive development;
Denominator: All kindergarten-aged children in the participating provinces or territories with EDI data (AB, BC, MB, NFLD, NS, NWT, ON, PEI, QC, Yukon)
Children vulnerable in domain of communication skills and general knowledge Children (4-6 years) Kindergarten children who are vulnerable in domain of communication skills and general knowledge upon entry into school EDI (2013-2020) Numerator: Number of kindergarten children vulnerable in domain of communication skills and general knowledge;
Denominator: All kindergarten-aged children in the participating provinces or territories with EDI data (AB, BC, MB, NFLD, NS, NWT, ON, PEI, QC, Yukon)
Interactions with Justice System
Indicator Life Course Indicator Description Source (Year) Method of Calculation Available Stratifiers
Charged with crime General population (12-89 years) Persons for which a criminal charge is laid, or recommended to be laid, in connection to a criminal incident, aged 12-89 years. UCR survey (2012 -2016) Numerator: Number of people, aged 12-89, charged;
Denominator: Population counts, aged 12-89, summed from each of the 5 years
Youth (12-17 years) Persons for which a criminal charge is laid, or recommended to be laid, in connection to a criminal incident, aged 12-17 years. UCR survey (2012 -2016) Numerator: Number of people, aged 12-17, charged;
Denominator: Population counts, aged 12-17, summed from each of the 5 years
Adults (18-24 years) Persons for which a criminal charge is laid, or recommended to be laid, in connection to a criminal incident, aged 18-24 years. UCR survey (2012 -2016) Numerator: Number of people, aged 18-24, charged;
Denominator: Population counts, aged 18-24, summed from each of the 5 years
Adults (25-89 years) Persons for which a criminal charge is laid, or recommended to be laid, in connection to a criminal incident, aged 25-89 years. UCR survey (2012 -2016) Numerator: Number of people, aged 25-89, charged;
Denominator: Population counts, aged 25-89, summed from each of the 5 years
Cleared of crime otherwise General population (12-89 years) Persons for which there is sufficient evidence to lay a criminal charge in connection with a criminal incident, but the accused is processed by other means, aged 12-89 years. UCR survey (2012 -2016) Numerator: Number of people, aged 12-89, defined as “Cleared otherwise”;
Denominator: Population counts, aged 12-89, summed from each of the 5 years
Youth (12-17 years) Persons for which there is sufficient evidence to lay a criminal charge in connection with a criminal incident, but the accused is processed by other means, aged 12-17 years. UCR survey (2012 -2016) Numerator: Number of people, aged 12-17, defined as “Cleared otherwise”;
Denominator: Population counts, aged 12-17, summed from each of the 5 years
Adults (18-24 years) Persons for which there is sufficient evidence to lay a criminal charge in connection with a criminal incident, but the accused is processed by other means, aged 18-24 years. UCR survey (2012 -2016) Numerator: Number of people, aged 18-24, defined as “Cleared otherwise”;
Denominator: Population counts, aged 18-24, summed from each of the 5 years
Adults (25-89 years) Persons for which there is sufficient evidence to lay a criminal charge in connection with a criminal incident, but the accused is processed by other means, aged 25-89 years. UCR survey (2012 -2016) Numerator: Number of people, aged 25-89, defined as “Cleared otherwise”;
Denominator: Population counts, aged 25-89, summed from each of the 5 years
Total Crime Severity Index Youth (12-17 years) The Crime Severity Index (CSI) tracks changes in the severity of police-reported crime by accounting for both the amount of crime reported by police in a given jurisdiction and the relative seriousness of these crimes. Total CSI includes policy-reported incidents of all Criminal Code incidents and federal statute offences, population aged 12-17 years. UCR survey (2012 -2016) Number of police-reported incidents of each of all offence is multiplied by the weight for that offence. All weighted offences are then added together and divided by the corresponding population total, population aged 12-17 years. To make the Index easier to interpret, the Index is standardized to “100” for Canada in the base year 2006. Details
Adults (18-89 years) The Crime Severity Index (CSI) tracks changes in the severity of police-reported crime by accounting for both the amount of crime reported by police in a given jurisdiction and the relative seriousness of these crimes. Total CSI includes policy-reported incidents of all Criminal Code incidents and federal statute offences, population aged 18-89 years. UCR survey (2012 -2016) Number of police-reported incidents of each of all offence is multiplied by the weight for that offence. All weighted offences are then added together and divided by the corresponding population total, population aged 18-89 years. To make the Index easier to interpret, the Index is standardized to “100” for Canada in the base year 2006. Details
Violent Crime Severity Index Youth (12-17 years) The Crime Severity Index (CSI) tracks changes in the severity of police-reported crime by accounting for both the amount of crime reported by police in a given jurisdiction and the relative seriousness of these crimes. Violent CSI includes policy-reported incidents of all violent offences, population aged 12-17 years. UCR survey (2012 -2016) Number of police-reported incidents of each of all violent offence is multiplied by the weight for that offence. All weighted offences are then added together and divided by the corresponding population total, population aged 12-17 years. To make the Index easier to interpret, the Index is standardized to “100” for Canada in the base year 2006. Details
Adults (18-89 years) The Crime Severity Index (CSI) tracks changes in the severity of police-reported crime by accounting for both the amount of crime reported by police in a given jurisdiction and the relative seriousness of these crimes. Violent CSI includes policy-reported incidents of all violent offences, population aged 18-89 years. UCR survey (2012 -2016) Number of police-reported incidents of each of all violent offence is multiplied by the weight for that offence. All weighted offences are then added together and divided by the corresponding population total, population aged 18-89 years. To make the Index easier to interpret, the Index is standardized to “100” for Canada in the base year 2006. Details
Socioeconomic Conditions
Indicator Life Course Indicator Description Source (Year) Method of Calculation Available Stratifiers
Currently employed Adults (18-69 years) Population aged 18-69 years who, during the reference period, had a labour force status of "employed": (a) Did any work at all at a job or business, that is, paid work in the context of an employer-employee relationship, or self-employment. This also includes persons who did unpaid family work, which is defined as unpaid work contributing directly to the operation of a farm, business or professional practice owned and operated by a related member of the same household; (b) Had a job but were not at work due to factors such as their own illness or disability, personal or family responsibilities, vacation or a labour dispute. Census 2016 Numerator: Persons employed aged 18 to 69 years;
Denominator: Census of Population respondents, aged 18 to 69 years
Currently unemployed Adults (18-69 years) Population aged 18-69 years who during the week of May 1 to Saturday May 7 2016 were without paid work or without self-employment work and were available for work and either: a) Had actively looked for paid work in the past four weeks; or b) Were on temporary lay-off and expected to return to their job; or c) Had definite arrangements to start a new job in four weeks or less Census 2016 Numerator: Persons unemployed aged 18 to 69 years;
Denominator: Labour force aged 18 to 69 years
Not completed high school Adults (25+ years) Population aged 25 years and older that has not completed a high school diploma or equivalent Census 2016 Numerator: Number of Census of Population respondents, aged 25 years and older, who reported that they have not completed high school;
Denominator: Census of Population respondents, aged 25+ years
Completed high school Adults (25+ years) Population aged 25 years and older whose highest education is a high school diploma or equivalent Census 2016 Numerator: Number of Census of Population respondents, aged 25 years and older, whose highest education is a high school diploma or equivalent;
Denominator: Census of Population respondents, aged 25+ years
Completed university Adults (25+ years) Population aged 25 years and older that has a university diploma at the bachelor level or higher Census 2016 Numerator: Number of Census of Population respondents, aged 25 years and older, who reported that they have a university diploma at the bachelor level or higher;
Denominator: Census of Population respondents, aged 25+ years
Completed postsecondary program of study Adults (25+ years) Population aged 25 years and older whose highest education is postsecondary education (college, trade, apprenticeship or university) Census 2016 Numerator: Number of Census of Population respondents, aged 25 years and older, whose highest education is postsecondary education (college, trade, apprenticeship or university);
Denominator: Census of Population respondents, aged 25+ years
Below median after-tax income General population Persons whose household income falls below the median, after tax. Census 2016 Numerator: Population in private households with adjusted after-tax household income which is below the median income, after tax;
Denominator: Population in private households
Low skilled occupation Adults (18-69 years) Population aged 18-69 years whose current or most relevant recent occupation is classified as NOC skill level D (on-the-job training usually provided). Census 2016 Numerator: Number of Census of Population respondents, aged 18 to 69 years in private households, whose current or most relevant recent occupation is classified as NOC skill level D;
Denominator: Labour force, aged 18 to 69 years in private households
Occupational mismatch – overqualified Adults (18-69 years) Population aged 18-69 years with university education working in positions usually requiring high school education or less (NOC skill levels C and D). Census 2016 Numerator: Number of Census of Population respondents, aged 18 to 69 years in private households, whose highest completed level of education is university and whose current or most relevant recent occupation usually requires high school education or less (NOC skill levels C and D);
Denominator: Labour force, aged 18 to 69 years in private households
Youth not in education or employment Youth (15-24 years) Youth aged 15-24 years who are unemployed or not in the labour force, and not in school Census 2016 Numerator: Number of Census of Population respondents, aged 15 to 24, who did not attend school at any time in the current school year and were unemployed or not in the labour force during the reference week;
Denominator: Census of Population respondents, aged 15 to 24
Involuntary part-time work Adults (15-69 years) Currently employed respondents aged 15-69 who usually work less than 30 hours per week at their main or only job, reported economic reasons for working part-time but looked for full-time work in the past 4 weeks LFS (2020-07 - 2021-06) Numerator: Number of currently employed LFS respondents who usually work less than 30 hours per week at their main or only job reported economic reasons for working part-time but looked for full-time work in the past 4 weeks. Denominator: Number of LFS respondents aged 15-69 in the labour force Details
Temporary job status Adults (15-69 years) Respondents aged 15-69 reported that they have a job with pre-determined end date, i.e. seasonal job, temporary, term or contract job, causal job, work done through a temporary help agency, others. LFS (2020-07 - 2021-06) Numerator: Number of LFS respondents reported that they have a job with pre-determined end date, i.e. seasonal job, temporary, term or contract job, causal job, work done through a temporary help agency, others. Denominator: Number of LFS respondents aged 15-69 in the labour force Details
Job tenure of less than one year Adults (15-69 years) Respondents aged 15-69 reported that the tenure of their current job is less than 1 year LFS (2020-07 - 2021-06) Numerator: Number of LFS respondents reported that the tenure of their current job is less than 1 year. Denominator: Number of LFS respondents aged 15-69 in the labour force Details
Multiple job holder status Adults (15-69 years) Respondents aged 15-69 reported that they were employed in two or more jobs simultaneously during the reference week LFS (2020-07 - 2021-06) Numerator: Number of LFS respondents reported that they were employed in two or more jobs simultaneously during the reference week. Denominator: Number of LFS respondents aged 15-69 in the labour force Details
long-term unemployment Adults (15-69 years) Unemployed respondents aged 15-69 who have been looking for work or were on temporary layoff for 27 weeks or more LFS (2020-07 - 2021-06) Numerator: Number of LFS unemployed respondents who have been looking for work or were on temporary layoff for 27 weeks or more. Denominator: Number of LFS respondents aged 15-69 in the labour force Details
Union member or covered by a collective agreement Adults (15-69 years) Respondents aged 15-69 reported that they are union members or covered by a collective agreement LFS (2020-07 - 2021-06) Numerator: Number of LFS respondents reported that they are union members or covered by a collective agreement. Denominator: Number of LFS respondents aged 15-69 in the labour force Details
Absence from work last week related to COVID-19 Adults (15-69 years) Respondents aged 15-69 reported that they were absent from work last week related to COVID-19 LFS-COVID (2020-07 - 2021-06) Numerator: Number of LFS-COVID Supplement respondents reported that they were absent from work last week related to COVID-19. Denominator: Number of LFS-COVID Supplement respondents aged 15-69 in the labour force Details
Difficulty to meet household financial needs last month during COVID-19 pandemic Adults (15-69 years) Respondents aged 15-69 experiencing difficulty to meet household financial needs in terms of transportation, housing, food, clothing and other necessary expenses over the last month during COVID-19 pandemic LFS-COVID (2020-07 - 2021-06) Numerator: Number of LFS-COVID Supplement respondents reported that they had difficulty to meet household financial needs last month during COVID-19 pandemic. Denominator: Number of LFS-COVID Supplement respondents aged 15-69 in the labour force Details
Working from home during COVID-19 pandemic Adults (15-69 years) Respondents aged 15-69 reported that they worked from home during COVID-19 pandemic LFS-COVID (2020-07 - 2021-06) Numerator: Number of LFS-COVID Supplement respondents reported that they worked from home during COVID-19 pandemic. Denominator: Number of LFS-COVID Supplement respondents aged 15-69 in the labour force Details

More information is available about the measures of inequality used in this Data Tool.


  • Data Sources (Abbreviations): Canadian Cancer Registry (CCR); Canadian Community Health Survey - Annual Component (CCHS); Canadian Demographic Estimates, Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS); Canadian Housing Survey (CHS); Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD); Canadian Tuberculosis Reporting System (CTBRS); Census Population Counts; Census – Long Form; Early Development Instrument, Offord Centre for Child Studies (EDI); Health Behaviours in School-aged Children Survey (HBSC); Employment Insurance Coverage Survey (EICS); Hospital Mental Health Database, Canadian Institute for Health Information (HMHDB); Labour Force Survey (LFS); National HIV/AIDS Surveillance System; National Household Survey (NHS); Survey of Young Canadians (SYC); The Uniform Crime Reporting Survey ; Vital Statistics - Birth Database (VS-BD); Vital Statistics - Death Database (VS-DD).
  • Rates: Age-standardized to the 2011 or 2016 or 2021 Canadian population unless otherwise stated. Rates encompass incidence and prevalence. Consult the documentation for more details on a specific indicator.
  • Stratification: Where possible/applicable, indicators are stratified at the individual level by the following characteristics: individual respondent/household income (income quintile – provincial/national, overall and by rural/urban geography); education level/quintile (individual respondent/household, overall and by rural/urban geography); immigration status; First Nations/Inuit/Métis identity; employment status; occupation; rural/urban geography; cultural/racial background; sexual orientation; functional health; participation and activity limitation; impact of health problems; first official language spoken; first official language spoken by geography; household living arrangement; dwelling ownership; dwelling type; household size; marital status; self-rated health; self-rated mental health, and LGBTQ2+. In certain cases, categories within a stratifier are collapsed or replaced by a proxy measure in cases of small sample sizes or unavailable information. Consult the documentation for more details on the available stratifiers for a specific indicator.
    Ecological stratifiers are used in cases of missing or unavailable individual level characteristics. These measures are based on the use of area level measures1 of socio-economic status (e.g. deprivation index; Canadian Index of Multiple Depriation) sub-group (e.g. First Nations/Inuit/Métis identity, foreign-born2) concentration and rural/urban geography (remoteness index) derived from the 2006 or 2016 Census (long-form) at the Census Dissemination Area (DA) level and linked to the vital and cancer administrative data available at Statistics Canada using the Postal Code OM Conversion File Plus (PCCF+).
  • Data availability, validity and limitations: When an indicator and a stratifier are crossed, the age interval is limited to that available in both the indicator and the stratifier. The values calculated for the summary measures of inequalities do not take into account the complex intersections between different social identities or different social determinants of health that may vary between the groups. Consult the documentation on the summary measures of inequalities used in this project for more details. Data from national surveys were weighted to permit representative estimates of the target population. The 95% confidence interval illustrates the degree of variability associated with a number or a rate. Wide confidence intervals indicate high variability and should therefore be interpreted and compared with caution. For indicators using data linkage to the 2006 or 2016 census data via the PCCF+, records that could not be assigned a DA were excluded from the analysis.

Suggested Citation: Pan-Canadian Health Inequalities Data Tool. A joint initiative of the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network, Statistics Canada and the Canadian Institute for Health Information. Available from:

Correspondence: Determinants of Health Division, Public Health Agency of Canada, 9th floor, 785 Carling Avenue, A.L. 6809B, Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9; Email:


  • 1 Peters PA, Oliver LN, Carrière G. Geozones: An area-based method for analysis of health outcomes. Health Reports 2012; 23(1):1-10.
  • 2 Carrière G, Peters PA, Sanmartin C. Area-based methods to calculate hospitalization rates for the foreign-born population in Canada, 2005/2006. Health Reports 2012; 23(3):1-10.

Acknowledgements: The development of this Data Tool was made possible through collaboration of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network (PHN), Statistics Canada, and the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). We wish to thank the members of the Pan-Canadian Health Inequalities Reporting Initiative Technical Working Group for their invaluable contributions to this product.

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