Inequalities in mental health, well-being and wellness in Canada

Trends in mental health inequalities in Canada. Highlights changes over time and drivers of mental health inequalities.

  • Last updated: 2024-09-10

Graph data (.csv)
Complete dataset (.zip)

    These notes apply to both the Graph and the Data Table.

    All estimates are weighted.

    All estimates are age standardized to the 2016 Census population using 5-year age interval.

    Errors bars represent 95% confidence intervals.

    Cells highlighted in yellow should be interpreted with caution, as the measure itself or at least one of the components used to calculate the value has a coefficient of variation between 15 to 35%.

    Cells highlighted in red indicate that values have been suppressed because the measure itself or at least one of the components used to calculate the value has a coefficient of variation greater than 35% or a small numerator (<5).

    A dash (-) symbol indicates that the value was suppressed for one of the reasons described above, or that the calculation was not applicable.

    Changes over time are expressed in both absolute and relative scales between the first and last time periods, as these types of measure are complementary and findings can depend on which type is used.

    Additional remarks: Caution is warranted when comparing estimates from cycles prior to 2015 and for data released 2022. We do not exclude the possibility that trends observed may have been influenced by different methodologies used in the CCHS, including a new sample design in 2015.

    For more information on data and analysis considerations refer to the Technical notes