Suicide Surveillance Indicator Framework:

The Suicide Surveillance Indicator Framework (SSIF) provides information on suicide and self-inflicted injury outcomes and its associated risk and protective factors. The SSIF contains a core set of indicators grouped by suicide and self-inflicted injury outcomes and four key domains as listed below. Each indicator has a corresponding measure. For each measure in the SSIF, pan-Canadian estimates are available, along with breakdowns by key demographic and socioeconomic variables.

For a quick overview of the SSIF, click on any of the domains listed below. A list of all indicators and measures within the domain, with their corresponding pan-Canadian estimates, will unfold. Additionally, a detailed description of each measure can be obtained by clicking on the “Description” link next to each measure. The most current version of the SSIF's Quick Stats is also available in a printer-friendly format.

The “Data Tool” button situated below brings you to a selection tool that provides access to all available data breakdowns for every indicator in the SSIF.

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SSIF's Quick Stats is also available in a printer-friendly format (PDF document). For an accessible equivalent, please use the table below.

SSIF's Quick Stats is also available in a printer-friendly format (.pdf document)

For more information about each indicator, click on the domains below:

Suicide and Self-inflicted Injury Outcomes
Indicator Group Indicator Measure(s) Latest Data Source (Year) Description
Suicide mortality Mortality rate due to suicide (excluding Yukon) 10.9 deaths per 100 000 population CVS-D (2020) DescriptionMortality rate due to suicide (excluding Yukon)
Self-inflicted injuries — hospitalizations Hospitalization rate for self-inflicted injuries 61.0 hospitalizations per 100 000 population DAD, HMDB, NACRS-ON, OMHRS (2020/2021) DescriptionHospitalization rate for self-inflicted injuries
Self-inflicted injuries — emergency department Emergency department (ED) presentation rate for self-inflicted injuries, Ontario 279.4 ED visits per 100 000 population NACRS-ON (2021/2022) DescriptionEmergency department (ED) presentation rate for self-inflicted injuries, Ontario
Emergency department (ED) presentation rate for self-inflicted injuries, Alberta 414.2 ED visits per 100 000 population NACRS-AB (2021/2022) DescriptionEmergency department (ED) presentation rate for self-inflicted injuries, Alberta
Proportion of emergency department (ED) presentations for self-inflicted injuries of total CHIRPP cases among 10- to 24-year-olds 9,997.0 ED presenations per 100 000 CHIRPP cases CHIRPP (2021) DescriptionProportion of emergency department (ED) presentations for self-inflicted injuries of total CHIRPP cases among 10- to 24-year-olds
Suicidal thoughts Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report ever having serious thoughts of suicide or taking their own life (lifetime) 12.0% CCHS (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report ever having serious thoughts of suicide or taking their own life (lifetime)
Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report having serious thoughts of suicide or taking their own life in the past 12 months 2.6% CCHS (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report having serious thoughts of suicide or taking their own life in the past 12 months
Suicide plans Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report ever making a suicide plan (lifetime) 4.2% CCHS (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report ever making a suicide plan (lifetime)
Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report making a suicide plan in the past 12 months 0.8% CCHS (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report making a suicide plan in the past 12 months
Suicide attempts Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report ever attempting suicide or to take their own life (lifetime) 3.1% CCHS (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report ever attempting suicide or to take their own life (lifetime)
Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report attempting suicide or to take their own life in the past 12 months 0.3% CCHS (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report attempting suicide or to take their own life in the past 12 months
Individual-level Risk and Protective Factors
Indicator Group Indicator Measure(s) Latest Data Source (Year) Description
Health status Percentage (%) of population aged 12+ who self-rate their health as fair or poor 10.6% CCHS (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 12+ who self-rate their health as fair or poor
Percentage (%) of population aged 12+ who self-rate their mental health as fair or poor 9.7% CCHS (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 12+ who self-rate their mental health as fair or poor
Percentage (%) of population aged 12+ with moderate to poor functional health, as per HUI 22.8% CCHS (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 12+ with moderate to poor functional health, as per HUI
Percentage (%) of population aged 12+ with one or more of these major chronic diseases: cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, and/or respiratory 25.0% CCHS (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 12+ with one or more of these major chronic diseases: cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, and/or respiratory
Chronic pain Percentage (%) of population aged 12+ who report having pain that prevents some or most activities 8.0% CCHS (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 12+ who report having pain that prevents some or most activities
Sleep disturbances Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report having trouble going to sleep or staying asleep most or all of the time 14.5% CCHS—Mental Health (2012) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report having trouble going to sleep or staying asleep most or all of the time
Stress Percentage (%) of population aged 12+ who perceive most days as being quite a bit or extremely stressful 20.5% CCHS (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 12+ who perceive most days as being quite a bit or extremely stressful
Coping Percentage (%) of population aged 12+ who report a high level of coping 82.1% CCHS (2019) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 12+ who report a high level of coping
Mental illness Percentage (%) of population aged 12+ who have been diagnosed with a mood and/or generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) 14.6% CCHS (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 12+ who have been diagnosed with a mood and/or generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report having been diagnosed with schizophrenia and/or psychosis by a health professional 1.3% CCHS—Mental Health (2012) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report having been diagnosed with schizophrenia and/or psychosis by a health professional
Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report having been diagnosed with an eating disorder by a health professional 0.4% CCHS—Mental Health (2012) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report having been diagnosed with an eating disorder by a health professional
Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report having been diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by a health professional 1.7% CCHS—Mental Health (2012) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report having been diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by a health professional
Violence Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report experiencing, before age 15, at least one: physical or sexual violence by an adult and/or exposure to violence exhibited by parents or guardians 32.4% GSS—Safety (2019) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report experiencing, before age 15, at least one: physical or sexual violence by an adult and/or exposure to violence exhibited by parents or guardians
Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report being the victim of physical or sexual assault in the past 12 months 4.3% GSS—Safety (2019) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report being the victim of physical or sexual assault in the past 12 months
Percentage (%) of grade 7-12 students who report being bullied by other students in the past 30 days 23.0% CSTADS (2018/2019) DescriptionPercentage (%) of grade 7-12 students who report being bullied by other students in the past 30 days
Substance use Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ whose reported alcohol consumption exceeds Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol-Drinking Guideline for chronic effects in the past 12 months 17.6% CADS (2019) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ whose reported alcohol consumption exceeds Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol-Drinking Guideline for chronic effects in the past 12 months
Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report experiencing at least one harm in the past year due to illegal drug use 4.5% CADS (2019) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report experiencing at least one harm in the past year due to illegal drug use
School environment Percentage (%) of grade 6-10 students who agree or strongly agree that they feel they belong at their school 59.3% HBSC (2017/2018) DescriptionPercentage (%) of grade 6-10 students who agree or strongly agree that they feel they belong at their school
Personality In development
Family-level Risk and Protective Factors
Indicator Group Indicator Measure(s) Latest Data Source (Year) Description
Family relationships Percentage (%) of grade 6-10 students who agree or strongly agree that they get the emotional help and support they need from their family 62.9% HBSC (2017/2018) DescriptionPercentage (%) of grade 6-10 students who agree or strongly agree that they get the emotional help and support they need from their family
Percentage (%) of grade 6-10 students who agree or strongly agree having a lot of arguments with their parents/guardians 21.9% HBSC (2017/2018) DescriptionPercentage (%) of grade 6-10 students who agree or strongly agree having a lot of arguments with their parents/guardians
Percentage (%) of grade 6-10 students who report it is easy or very easy to talk to their parents/guardians about things that really bother them 78.9% HBSC (2017/2018) DescriptionPercentage (%) of grade 6-10 students who report it is easy or very easy to talk to their parents/guardians about things that really bother them
Family mental illness and substance use a. Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ with one or more family members who have problems with their emotions, mental health, or use of alcohol or drugs 39.3% CCHS—Mental Health (2012) Descriptiona. Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ with one or more family members who have problems with their emotions, mental health, or use of alcohol or drugs
b. Among those with one or more family members who have problems with their emotions, mental health, or use of alcohol or drugs, percentage (%) who report that their life is affected some or a lot by their family member's problems 35.2% CCHS—Mental Health (2012) Descriptionb. Among those with one or more family members who have problems with their emotions, mental health, or use of alcohol or drugs, percentage (%) who report that their life is affected some or a lot by their family member's problems
Family history of suicide-related behaviour In development
Community-level Risk and Protective Factors
Indicator Group Indicator Measure(s) Latest Data Source (Year) Description
Social support Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report having no family or friends they feel close to (feel at ease with, can talk to about what is on their mind, or call on for help) 1.0% GSS—Social Identity (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report having no family or friends they feel close to (feel at ease with, can talk to about what is on their mind, or call on for help)
Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report being satisfied or very satisfied with the communication frequency with friends and relatives not living with them 86.2% GSS—Social Identity (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ who report being satisfied or very satisfied with the communication frequency with friends and relatives not living with them
Community belonging Percentage (%) of population aged 12+ who report a somewhat strong or very strong belonging to their local community 70.2% CCHS (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 12+ who report a somewhat strong or very strong belonging to their local community
Discrimination Percentage (%) of population aged 15+ years who report experiencing discrimination or unfair treatment in the past 5 years because of gender, race, age, or appearance 35.2% GSS—Social Identity (2020) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 15+ years who report experiencing discrimination or unfair treatment in the past 5 years because of gender, race, age, or appearance
Suicide contagion/clusters In development
Societal-level Risk and Protective Factors
Indicator Group Indicator Measure(s) Latest Data Source (Year) Description
Mental-health services access a. Percentage (%) of population aged 12+ who report receiving care for problems with emotions, mental care, and/or use of alcohol or drugs in the past 12 months 18.3% CCHS (2020) Descriptiona. Percentage (%) of population aged 12+ who report receiving care for problems with emotions, mental care, and/or use of alcohol or drugs in the past 12 months
b. Among those who received care in the past 12 months, percentage (%) who perceived their needs were not met or only partially met 44.4% CCHS (2020) Descriptionb. Among those who received care in the past 12 months, percentage (%) who perceived their needs were not met or only partially met
Help lines — usage Proportion of suicide behaviour-related interactions (phone, live chat, text) of total Kids Help Phone interactions 117.3 interactions per 1 000 total interactions KHP (2021) DescriptionProportion of suicide behaviour-related interactions (phone, live chat, text) of total Kids Help Phone interactions
Proportion of suicide behaviour-related interactions (phone, chat, text) of total Talk Suicide Canada interactions 663.2 interactions per 1 000 total interactions Talk Suicide Canada (2021) DescriptionProportion of suicide behaviour-related interactions (phone, chat, text) of total Talk Suicide Canada interactions
Poison Centre – usage Proportion of exposure cases related to intentional self-harm poisoning of total cases managed by Poison Centres 190.5 cases per 1 000 total cases CSSPI (2021) DescriptionProportion of exposure cases related to intentional self-harm poisoning of total cases managed by Poison Centres
Firearm possession Percentage (%) of population aged 18+ possessing an individual firearm licence as of December 2021 (number of individual firearm licence holders aged 18+) 7.1% (2 236 983 licences) RCMP (2021) DescriptionPercentage (%) of population aged 18+ possessing an individual firearm licence as of December 2021 (number of individual firearm licence holders aged 18+)
Stigma In development
Mental health literacy In development
Media reporting guidelines (adherence to) In development


  • Abbreviations:
    • Data sources: CCHS, Canadian Community Health Survey; CSTADS, Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey; CTADS, Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey; CVSD, Canadian Vital Statistics–Death Database; DAD, Discharge Abstract Database; eCHIRPP, electronic Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program; GSS, General Social Survey; HBSC, Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children; NACRS, National Ambulatory Care Reporting System; RCMP, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
    • Other: HUI, Health Utilities Index.
    • "In development": measures whose data source is currently not available or for which more research is needed to identify a promising measure and data source.
  • Suggested Citation: Public Health Agency of Canada, Centre for Surveillance and Applied Research (2023). Suicide Surveillance Indicator Framework Quick Statistics, Canada, 2023 Edition. Ottawa (ON): Public Health Agency of Canada.
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