Suicide, self-harm, and suicide-related behaviours in Canada: Suicide-related behaviours:

  • Last updated: ...

Detailed statistics on people who attempted suicide, made suicide plans, and had serious thoughts of suicide in Canada.

On this page

Across Canada

Suicide-related behaviours can include:

Preventing these behaviours requires effective monitoring to:

The data presented on this page is likely an underestimation due to the stigma associated with suicide-related behaviours.

Among people living in Canada who are aged 15 and older:

Each year, it is estimated that among those aged 15 and older:

Suicide-related behaviours vary across Canada. Some provinces and territories have a higher prevalence than the national average.

Figure 1. Prevalence of people 15 years and older who in their lifetime, in Canada by province and territory, ...

  • Data is from the 2019 and 2020 Canadian Community Health Surveys.
  • An 'E' next to a percentage shows that this data has a high level of variability. Interpret with caution.
  • 'Suppressed' means that the estimate wasn't released for the province or territory due to high variability.
Figure 1: Text description

Differences by age and sex

Among people aged 15 to 19 years old, prevalence of lifetime suicide-related behaviours are higher in females than males. Specifically, compared to males:

Figure 2. Prevalence of people 15 years and older who in their lifetime, in Canada by age group and sex, ...

  • Data are from the 2019 and 2020 Canadian Community Health Surveys.
  • An ‘E’ next to a percentage shows this data has a high level of variability. Interpret with caution.
Figure 2: Text description

Suggested citation

Public Health Agency of Canada. Suicide, self-harm and suicide-related behaviours in Canada: .... Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada; ....

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