Language selection

Health Infobase Design Manual

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A map is a visual representation of geographical data. It shows the location of features or data points in a given geographical region.

When to use

  • To show the location of data points on a map
  • To show the geographical distribution of data
  • To compare data across regions


  • A map showing the distribution of cases of a specific disease, such as the West Nile virus
  • A map showing the location of supervised consumption sites

What to avoid

  • Don’t use a map to show data that doesn’t have a clear geographical location
  • Don’t use a map when there’s nothing to learn from the geographical distribution of data

Design and code

<!-- Add this div in the right section -->
<div class="col-md-12" style="padding-right: 0px;" id="map"></div>
<!-- Add these references -->
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Add this script --> 
  // Language
  var language = $('html').attr('lang');
  const margin = {
      top: 10,
      right: 10,
      bottom: 10,
      left: 10
    width = 1300 - margin.left - margin.right, //width of the section
    height = 1200 - ( - (margin.bottom); //height of the section
  var path
  var hrid
  d3.csv("/src/design-manual/data/en/map/AllPTs3.csv", function(d) {
    d.Year = +d["Year"]
    d.CNISP_beds = +d["CNISP_beds"] = +d["total"]
    d.proportion = +d["proportion"]
    d.Percentage = +d["Percentage"]
    d.Prov = d["Prov"]
    return d;
  }).then(function(data) {
    var nestedData = d3.nest().key(function(d) {
      return d.Year;
    }).key(function(d) {
      return d.Prov;
    //Converts the PRUID number to the acronym
    function PruidtoProv(pruid) {
      if (pruid == 10) {
        return "NL";
      } else if (pruid == 11) {
        return "PE";
      } else if (pruid == 12) {
        return "NS";
      } else if (pruid == 13) {
        return "NB";
      } else if (pruid == 24) {
        return "QC";
      } else if (pruid == 35) {
        return "ON";
      } else if (pruid == 46) {
        return "MB";
      } else if (pruid == 47) {
        return "SK";
      } else if (pruid == 48) {
        return "AB";
      } else if (pruid == 59) {
        return "BC";
      } else if (pruid == 60) {
        return "YT";
      } else if (pruid == 61) {
        return "NT";
      } else if (pruid == 62) {
        return "NU";

    function colour() {
      d3.selectAll(".PRUID").transition().style("fill", function(d, i) {
        pr = PruidtoProv(
        val = nestedData[2021][pr][0]["proportion"]
        if (!isNaN(val) && val != -1) {
          return ColourChoice(val) //color2(nestedData.get([0][ddl2]); function that returns the colour
        } else {
          return "#e6e6e6";
    var colours = ["#A52770", "#D83C76", "#F65D6D", "#FD876F", "#FFB185"]

    function ColourChoice(val) {
      if (val >= .80) {
        return colours[0]
      } else if (val >= .60) {
        return colours[1]
      } else if (val >= .40) {
        return colours[2]
      } else if (val >= .20) {
        return colours[3]
      } else if (val >= 0) {
        return colours[4]
      } else {
        return "#e6e6e6"
    d3.json('/src/design-manual/data/en/map/output.json').then(function(mapJSON) {
      var svg ='#map').append('svg').attr("id", "svg").attr('width', "100%").attr('height', "100%").attr("preserveAspectRatio", "xMinYMin meet").attr("viewBox", "0 0 900 900")
      var healthregions = topojson.feature(mapJSON, mapJSON.objects.Can_PR2016);
      const projection2 = d3.geoIdentity((function(x, y) {
        return [2 * x, y];
      })).reflectY(true).fitSize([880, 880], healthregions);
      // what is used to generate the path for the provinces
      path = d3.geoPath().projection(projection2);
      hrid = svg.append('g').attr("id", "mapGroup").attr("transform", "translate(0,0)").selectAll('g').data(healthregions.features).enter();
      hrid.append("g").attr("class", "regions").attr("id", function(d) {
        return "g" +["PRUID"]
      }).attr("tabindex", 0).attr("data-taborder", function(d) {
      }).attr("focusable", "true").append('path').attr("id", function(d) {
        return "path" +["PRUID"]
      }).attr("class", "PRUID").attr("d", path).attr("stroke", "white").attr("stroke-width", 0.5).style("opacity", 0.85)

Content and design guidelines

  • If creating a choropleth map (where the hue is related to the numeric value), use the smallest geographical area you can
  • Follow the general design guidelines

Accessibility guidelines

  • Provide a data table with the map
  • If the map tells a clear story, include that story in the alt text. For example, if the map shows that the numbers are much higher in a specific region, spell that out in the alt text
  • Follow the general accessibility guidelines
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