COVID-19 vaccination: Doses administered:

  • Last updated: 2024-03-08

Number of COVID-19 vaccine doses that have been administered in Canada by jurisdiction, dose number and vaccine product.

Older versions of this report are available on the archived reports page.

Information on the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses that have been administered in Canada by jurisdiction, dose number and vaccine product. The number of vaccine doses administered is not the same as the number of people vaccinated.

On this page

Key updates as of {MMM DD, YYYY}

About COVID-19 vaccination and approved vaccines

Doses administered: Reports from provinces and territories Access and download the national COVID-19 vaccine administration data in .csv format

Information on doses administered by dose number and vaccine product is routinely provided by provinces and territories.

Figure 1. Cumulative number of vaccine doses administered in Canada by jurisdiction, as of DD MMM YYYY

Hover over or select a portion of the map to see the cumulative number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in Canada and each jurisdiction over time.

The cumulative number of COVID-19 vaccine doses {administered/distributed} in Canada was {1 000 / 0.1%} as of MMM DD, YYYY.

Note: This information is based on the most current data available at the time of reporting. Green bars indicate the reported cumulative number of doses administered as of that date while grey bars are used for days where no data was reported. Due to differences in when provincial and territorial partners update their data, comparisons over time and between provinces and territories should be interpreted with caution (see data sources). Information is subject to change and may differ from provincial and territorial reports depending on when data is updated (see limitations).

Figure 1: Text description

Cumulative number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in Canada by jurisdiction as of MMM DD, YYYY

Table 1. Cumulative number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in by vaccine product, as of MMM DD, YYYY

Vaccine group Vaccine product Total doses

*Vaccine product no longer authorized.


This report would not be possible without the collaboration of provincial and territorial public health partners as well as members of the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network’s Canadian Immunization Registries and Coverage Network (CIRC). We would like to thank everyone taking part in COVID-19 vaccination programs in Canada.

Suggested citation

Public Health Agency of Canada. Canadian report on COVID-19 vaccine doses administered. Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada; MMM DD, YYYY.

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