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COVID-19 epidemiology update : Outbreaks Download page in .pdf format

Summary of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths, cases following vaccination, testing and variants of concern across Canada and over time. Older versions of this report are available on the archived reports page .


This page was last updated on .

Update schedule : We update all sections of this page every Friday.

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) regularly receives COVID-19 outbreak data from health authorities in the provinces and territories. This page summarizes outbreaks in Canada by setting and by size, and is updated weekly. Data may change retroactively if there are changes to:

What is an outbreak?

Outbreak definitions vary across the country, but we use a national outbreak definition for all outbreaks. An outbreak is 2 or more confirmed cases of COVID-19 which are epidemiologically linked to a specific setting or location. It does not include:

In December 2021, the highly contagious Omicron variant caused a rapid increase in cases. This surge affected public health and testing capacity, which led to a change in testing strategies and limited contact tracing. This made it harder for provinces and territories to link cases. As a result, outbreaks were undercounted. The provinces and territories still consistently report cases of COVID-19 in high-priority settings. However, most no longer report cases in community settings, such as schools, recreational facilities and stores.

4 high-priority settings

Showing outbreaks data from to .

We analyzed data for outbreaks occurring between January 03, 2021 and . You can select a narrower date range using the slider below. The data displayed on the rest of this page will change to reflect your date range.

The shaded area on the far right of Figure 1 and Figure 2 represents a period of accumulating data. This is the period of time (1 to 2 weeks) before the latest outbreaks are reported to PHAC. This delay is a result of the time required to identify cases and declare outbreaks. We update this figure as more data becomes available.

Figure 1. Weekly number of outbreaks by setting

Figure 1: Text description

Figure 2. Weekly number of outbreaks by outbreak size for

Figure 2: Text description

Between January 2, 2022 and :

Table 1. Summary statistics of COVID-19 outbreak size by setting,

Setting Median case count Average case count Number of outbreaks

Additional COVID-19 data resources

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