Canadian Cancer Data Tool

The Canadian Cancer Data Tool (CCDT) provides comprehensive data on the incidence and mortality of cancer in Canada over time by age and sex in an easy to use, flexible format. Information on 24 different categories of cancer types, including overall cancer, are available. The Public Health Agency of Canada developed this tool using Statistic Canada’s Canadian Cancer Registry (CCR) and Canadian Vital Statistics Death (CVSD) database. Data for the CCR and CVSD databases are obtained from provincial and territorial cancer and vital statistics registries. Through standardized reporting methods, these data allow for more nationally comparable estimates of cancer incidence and mortality in Canada.

Select an item from each list below:
Number of new cases, all cancers, by year, Canada excluding Quebec, 1992-2017
020,00040,00060,00080,000100,000120,000140,000160,000180,0001992199419961998200020022004200620082010201220142016Year of diagnosisNumber of new cases1992: 86,245 1993: 88,965 1994: 89,095 1995: 88,780 1996: 90,440 1997: 94,145 1998: 96,395 1999: 100,200 2000: 102,060 2001: 105,195 2002: 106,975 2003: 107,670 2004: 111,715 2005: 115,290 2006: 119,005 2007: 123,630 2008: 123,960 2009: 127,360 2010: 135,885 2011: 140,255 2012: 140,865 2013: 143,110 2014: 145,300 2015: 148,125 2016: 151,120 2017: 149,415
Number of new cases, all cancers, by year, Canada excluding Quebec, 1992-2017
Year of diagnosisSexNumber of new cases95% CI
199286,245- - -
199388,965- - -
199489,095- - -
199588,780- - -
199690,440- - -
199794,145- - -
199896,395- - -
1999100,200- - -
2000102,060- - -
2001105,195- - -
2002106,975- - -
2003107,670- - -
2004111,715- - -
2005115,290- - -
2006119,005- - -
2007123,630- - -
2008123,960- - -
2009127,360- - -
2010135,885- - -
2011140,255- - -
2012140,865- - -
2013143,110- - -
2014145,300- - -
2015148,125- - -
2016151,120- - -
2017149,415- - -

Note: All counts were randomly rounded to a base of five to protect confidentiality. Quebec was excluded because incidence data were only available to 2010.

Data Source: Canadian Cancer Registry (CCR) 2017

Table 1. Cancer definitions
Cancer ICD-O-3 Site/type* ICD-9 ICD-10
Incidence (1992-2017) Mortality (1992-1999) Mortality (2000-2018)
All cancers All invasive sites All invasive sites All invasive sites
Bladder (including in situ for incidence) C67 188 C67
Brain/CNS C70-C72 191, 192 C70-C72
Breast C50 174, 175 C50
Cervix C53 180 C53
Colorectal C18-C20, C26.0 153, 159.0, 154.0, 154.1 C18-C20, C26.0
Esophagus C15 150 C15
Head and neck C00-C14, C30.0-C30.1, C31, C32 140-149, 160-151 C00-C14, C30-C32
Hodgkin lymphoma* Type 9650-9667 201 C81
Kidney and renal pelvis C64.9, C65.9 189.0, 189.1 C64-C65
Leukemia* Type 9733, 9742, 9800–9801, 9805–9809, 9820, 9826, 9831–9836, 9840, 9860–9861, 9863, 9865–9867, 9869–9876, 9891, 9895–9898, 9910, 9911, 9920, 9930–9931, 9940, 9945–9946, 9948, 9963–9964 204.0, 204.1, 205.0, 207.0, 207.2, 205.1, 202.4, 204.2, 204.8, 204.9, 205.2, 205.3, 205.8, 205.9, 206.0, 206.1, 206.2, 206.8, 206.9, 203.1, 207.1, 207.8, 208.0, 208.1, 208.2, 208.8, 208.9 C90.1, C91-C95 excluding C94.6
Liver C22.0 150.0 C22.0, C22.2-C22.7
Lung and bronchus C34 162.2, 162.3, 162.4, 162.5, 162.8, 162.9 C34
Melanoma C44 (Type 8720-8790) 172 C43
Multiple myeloma* Type 9731, 9732, 9734 203.0, 238.6 C90.0, C90.2, C90.3
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma* Type 9590-9597, 9670-9719, 9724-9729, 9735, 9737, 9738 200, 202.0, 202.1, 202.2, 202.8, 202.9 C82-C86, C96.3
Type 9811-9818, 9823, 9827, 9837 all sites except C42.0, .1, .4
Ovary C56.9 183.0 C56
Pancreas C25 157 C25
Prostate C61.9 185 C61
Stomach C16 151 C16
Testis C62 186 C62
Thyroid C73.9 193 C73
Uterus (body, NOS) C54-C55 179, 182 C54-C55
All other cancers All sites C00-C809 not listed above All sites 140-208, 238.6 not listed above All sites C00-C97 not listed above
  • CNS = central nervous system; NOS = not otherwise specified
  • * For incidence, histology types 9590-9992 (leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma), 9050-9055 (mesothelioma) and 9140 (Kaposi sarcoma) are excluded from other specific organ sites


The data contained in this data tool were provided to the Public Health Agency of Canada from the Canadian Vital Statistics – Death Database and the Canadian Cancer Registry Database at Statistics Canada with the knowledge and consent of the provincial and territorial Vital Statistics Registrars and cancer registries which supply the data to Statistics Canada. Their cooperation is gratefully acknowledged.

Suggested Citation

Centre for Surveillance and Applied Research, Public Health Agency of Canada. Canadian Cancer Data Tool (CCDT), 2021 Edition. Public Health Infobase. Ottawa (ON): Public Health Agency of Canada, 2021.

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