Mpox (monkeypox) epidemiology update:

  • Last updated:

This summary of mpox (monkeypox) cases across Canada contains detailed data about the spread of the virus over time and in different regions of the country.

Change to update schedule

We are no longer routinely updating this page as the number of new mpox case reports has decreased across Canada. We have replaced this dashboard with a summary of the mpox outbreak. This page was last updated on September 29, 2023, at 12 pm ET.

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is working with health authorities in the provinces and territories to investigate cases of mpox in Canada.

On this page

Key updates (updated on August 9, 2022)

Number of provinces and
territories reporting cases

Number of cases
in Canada*

Number of confirmed cases

Number of hospitalizations
in Canada

Number of deaths
in Canada

  • * All cases are confirmed with exception of those in Quebec, where both confirmed and probable cases are included.
  • The data source for the number of mpox cases worldwide is Our World in Data.
  • The number of confirmed cases, hospitalizations and deaths reported may differ slightly from those on the provincial and territorial websites due to a combination of data lag and differences in timing of reporting. Websites are updated as new information becomes available. These statistics are based on cases for which a case report form was received by PHAC from provincial or territorial partners.

Current situation

Figure 1. Total count of confirmed cases of mpox by province or territory (Last data update )

Hover over or tap regions to see cases, in Canada over time. Map data is available in .csv and .json formats.

The total count of confirmed cases of mpox in Canada was as of July 14, 2022.

Provinces and territories in Canada with mpox cases

Figure 1: Text description
Province or territory Confirmed cases

Detailed case information

The tables and figures below reflect detailed case information provided to PHAC by health authorities in the provinces and territories. The data may change retroactively as we get more information about previously reported cases.

As of August 3, 2022, noon ET, we’ve received detailed case report data on confirmed cases.

Epidemic curve

This figure is a visual display of confirmed cases associated with the mpox outbreak by the earliest report date (onset of illness date, or laboratory collection date, or report date).

The shaded area in Figure 2 shows a period of accumulating data. The data for this period is currently incomplete, as it takes time for people to seek health care, get tested, and receive results. It also takes time for public health authorities to gather information and report cases to us. We update the figure with new information as it becomes available. These updates include new cases as well as retroactive changes to previously reported cases.

Figure 2. of confirmed mpox cases (n=) in Canada by date as of August 2, 2022, 12 noon ET


The number of confirmed cases, hospitalizations and deaths reported may differ slightly from those on the provincial and territorial websites due to a combination of data lag and differences in timing of reporting. Websites are updated as new information becomes available. This figure is based on cases for which a case report form was received by the Public Health Agency of Canada from provincial or territorial partners.

Figure 2: Text description

Mpox cases in Canada by date as of MMM DD, YYYY

Date Number of confirmed cases


We have detailed case report data for confirmed cases.

We have age data for of cases. Of all confirmed cases reported in Canada so far, were between 30 and 39 years old (Figure 3). 98.3% of confirmed mpox cases are among people who identify as menFootnote 1.

Figure 3. Age distribution of confirmed mpox cases (n=) in Canada by age group as of August 2, 2022, 12 noon ET


The number of confirmed cases, hospitalizations and deaths reported may differ slightly from those on the provincial and territorial websites due to a combination of data lag and differences in timing of reporting. Websites are updated as new information becomes available. This figure is based on cases for which a case report form was received by the Public Health Agency of Canada from provincial or territorial partners.

Figure 3: Text description

Age distribution of confirmed mpox cases (n=) in Canada by age group as of MMM DD, YYYY

Age group Count Percent

Provincial, territorial and international mpox reporting


Footnote 1

Sex or gender data were available for 100% of confirmed cases. ‘Gender identity’ was the primary variable used to calculate the proportion of cases among men. Response options for gender identity were woman, man, non-binary, unknown, or write-in response. If gender identity was not available, we used ‘sex assigned at birth’ instead. The response options were female, male, intersex, or unknown. There may be some differences in how the provinces and territories collect these data, based on their report forms.

Return to footnote 1 referrer

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