Measuring Positive Mental Health in Canada - Text Version

What is positive mental health?

It is a state of well-being that allows us to "feel, think, and act in ways that enhance our ability to enjoy life and deal with the challenges we face."

Source: Mental Health Promotion

Positive mental health in adults can be measured through these five indicators

Source: Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS), Mental Health, 2012, based on Canadian self-reported data.

Many factors contribute to positive mental health, from the individual to society


Individual behaviours and experiences are associated with positive mental health.


Healthy family relationships provide an important foundation for positive mental health.


Positive mental health is supported by strong ties to the community.


Factors such as discrimination and stigma are related to lower positive mental health.

More information

This infographic is the first in a series of knowledge products responding to the need for better data on positive mental health, as identified in Canada's first national mental health strategy, "Changing Directions, Changing Lives" developed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada.

The Public Health Agency of Canada is working with the Mental Health Commission of Canada and other key experts to identify, organize, and present data on positive mental health outcomes, and protective and risk factors. This infographic provides some examples of these data.

These protective and risk factors are presented through the Positive Mental Health Surveillance Indicator Framework, which includes 25 indicators at the individual, family, community, and societal levels.





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