"Summary Table: Schizophrenia, Age-standardized incidence rate, per 100,000" "Geography","Sex","Age group type","Age group","Fiscal year","Rate (per 100,000)","Standard Error","Lower 95%_CI","Upper 95%_CI","Rate CV (%)","Counts","Population", "Canada","Both sexes","Total","10+","2020–2021*","51","0.39","51","52","0.76","17595","35229530", "Newfoundland and Labrador","Both sexes","Total","10+","2020–2021*","22","2.26","18","27","10.16","105","493665", "Prince Edward Island","Both sexes","Total","10+","2020–2021*","40","5.25","30","52","13.09","60","151860", "Nova Scotia","Both sexes","Total","10+","2020–2021*","26","1.70","23","30","6.45","250","984265", "New Brunswick","Both sexes","Total","10+","2020–2021*","33","2.25","29","38","6.85","220","735625", "Quebec","Both sexes","Total","10+","2020–2021*","36","0.72","35","38","1.98","2640","7548230", "Ontario","Both sexes","Total","10+","2020–2021*","53","0.63","52","55","1.19","7220","13827175", "Manitoba","Both sexes","Total","10+","2020–2021*","43","1.88","39","47","4.40","525","1238730", "Saskatchewan","Both sexes","Total","10+","2020–2021*","","","","","","","", "Alberta","Both sexes","Total","10+","2020–2021*","65","1.25","62","67","1.93","2755","4295430", "British Columbia","Both sexes","Total","10+","2020–2021*","70","1.24","68","73","1.77","3305","4790790", "Yukon","Both sexes","Total","10+","2020–2021*","40","10.72","22","71","26.82","15","39535", "Northwest Territories","Both sexes","Total","10+","2020–2021*","","","","","","","", "Nunavut","Both sexes","Total","10+","2020–2021*","30","9.54","15","143","31.47","15","31790", "Notes: ", "1. CI: Confidence Interval.", "2. CV: Coefficient of variation.", "3. *Many CCDSS measures, such as chronic disease incidence, were influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. Changes in such measures may be driven by multiple factors, including (but not limited to) differences in healthcare seeking behaviour, the availability and use of healthcare services, as well as true changes in health status. As such, CCDSS measures should be used cautiously when making inferences about population health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Guidance for data users on examining the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on CCDSS measures can be accessed below.", "4. Data suppression: Estimates, rates and rate ratios are not reported when the counts are less than 10 or the coefficient of variation is greater than 33.3%.", "5. Due to periodic updates of the historical surveillance data, estimates for a particular disease and year may change over time, and may not be comparable to previous editions. ", "6. Estimates and rates are age-standardized to the 2011 Canadian population using unrounded counts and five-year age groups.", "7. Nunavut data are excluded before 2005–2006.", "8. Newfoundland and Labrador data are excluded before 2008–2009. ", "9. Yukon data are excluded before 2010–2011. ", "10. The modernization of the Quebec billing system for fee-for-service medical services by the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) in 2016 has resulted in a decrease in the entry of diagnostic codes in the fee-for-service medical services file. Data for 2016–2017 and subsequent years should therefore be interpreted with caution, as a slight underestimation is suspected. ", "11. Northwest Territories data were not available.", "12. New Brunswick data were not available for 2021-2022.", "13. Saskatchewan data were not available for 2021-2022.", "14. These data were made possible through collaboration between PHAC and the respective provincial and territorial governments of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut. No endorsement by the provinces and territories is intended or should be inferred. Provincial and territorial data were contributed to the CCDSS as of September 2023.", "Source: ", "Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System 2023", "https://health-infobase.canada.ca/CCDSS/data-tool/", "https://sante-infobase.canada.ca/SCSMC/outil-de-donnees/", "Date downloaded: 2024-07-27"