Canadian Chronic Disease Indicators (CCDI)

Select an item from each list below:

Estimates for this indicator exclude the territories. Due to the major redesign of the 2015 CCHS, caution should be taken when comparing data from previous cycles of CCHS to data released for the 2015 cycle onwards.
Source: Canadian Community Health Survey 2017
Population: aged 12+ years, by sex, Canada, 2017
Edition: 2019

ECells highlighted in yellow should be interpreted with caution as they contain estimates with a coefficient of variation between 15.0% to 35.0%.
FCells highlighted in red indicate where estimates are unstable or unreleasable due to small numbers and/or coefficients of variation greater than 35.0%.

Definition Percentage of people who report having a regular healthcare provider (i.e. a family doctor or a general practitioner; a medical specialist such as a cardiologist or a pediatrician; or a nurse practitioner).
Data Available Sex, age group (5 year and life course), province (crude and age-standardized), population centre/rural area, highest level of education (household, respondents aged 20+ years), household income adequacy, ethnicity, Indigenous status, and immigrant status.
Estimate Calculation Numerator: Number of people aged 12+ years who report having a regular healthcare provider.
Denominator: Total population, aged 12+ years.
Additional Remarks A high percentage for this indicator can be interpreted as a positive result.

Suggested Citation:

Centre for Surveillance and Applied Research, Public Health Agency of Canada. Canadian Chronic Disease Indicators Data Tool, 2019 Edition. Public Health Infobase. Ottawa (ON): Public Health Agency of Canada, 2019.

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