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Canadian Postsecondary Education Alcohol and Drug Use Survey, 2019/2020 Published: ()


Problematic substance use poses a risk to the health and safety of postsecondary students across Canada.

The Canadian Postsecondary Education Alcohol and Drug use Survey (CPADS) contributes to Health Canada’s substance use surveillance strategy, which provides the Government of Canada with vital information on the use of drugs and other substances by Canadians. Surveys like the CPADS provide governments and non-governmental organizations with valuable information that can inform policies and programs that support youth and young adults.

In November 2019, the first cycle of data collection for the CPADS was launched. The goal of this survey is to collect detailed information on patterns of substance use among postsecondary students in Canada, and the impacts that substance use is having on their lives.

Dive into the data

What do the graphs and tables show?

The following key findings are a snapshot of statistics about substance use among postsecondary students 17 to 25 years of age who are studying at a Canadian university or college/CEGEP. A total of 21,297 online survey responses were obtained between November 5, 2019 and March 23, 2020, from four regions in Canada. These include: the Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba), Ontario, Quebec; and the Atlantic (Newfoundland, New Brunswick, PEI, and Nova Scotia). The 2019/2020 CPADS measured substance use among postsecondary students for the following substances: alcohol, cannabis, psychoactive pharmaceuticals (i.e., pain relievers, sedatives, and stimulants), illegal drugs (e.g., heroin, cocaine), vaping products and tobacco.

The figures show key indicators measured in the CPADS by substance. Data in the figures show results for:

  • Overall respondents.
  • Males vs. females based on the biological sex at birth of respondents.
  • Respondent year of study.

The data tables show:

  • The data that were used to create the figure.
  • Key results from the 2019/2020 survey by substance.

Key Findings are presented for overall results, by respondent's biological sex at birth and year of study.

Technical notes include variable definition, data suppression rules, and other information to interpret the data.

Result Highlights

In general, young adults consume substances at higher levels than the general population and the findings from the 2019/2020 CPADS are consistent with this observation. Key highlights by substance are summarised below. It is important to note that these results are based on self-reported data that may be subject to recall bias and that not all provinces and territories in Canada are represented in this survey. These factors may have resulted in an increase or decrease in the reported prevalence.

Results from the 2019/2020 CPADS indicate that based on self-reported use in the past 12 months, the largest proportion of students consumed alcohol, followed by cannabis and problematic pharmaceutical use.



  • In the past 12 months, 84% of students had consumed alcohol. Alcohol consumption in the past 12 months was higher among females and students in their third year or higher.

Figure 1: Text Description

Overall Males Females 1st and 2nd year 3rd year or more
Alcohol consumption - past 12 months 84% 83% 85%1 81% 89%2
  • 1 Females were significantly more likely than males to have consumed alcohol in the past 12 months.
  • 2 Students in third year or higher were significantly more likely than students in 1st or 2nd year to have consumed alcohol in the past 12 months.

Participants of the 2019/2020 CPADS were asked how familiar they were with Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines (LRDG) and about their alcohol use patterns. Among those who reported consuming alcohol, additional questions were asked to determine which alcoholic beverages they preferred, the quantities of alcohol consumed, alcohol-related harms, protective strategies used to reduce intoxication and about alcohol-impaired driving.

Cannabis and polysubstance use


  • Within the past 12 months, 48% of all respondents had used cannabis. Past year use of cannabis was greater among male respondents (51% males; 46% females) and among students in 3rd year or higher (45% 1st/2nd year; 53% 3rd year or higher).

Figure 9: Text Description

Overall Males Females 1st and 2nd year 3rd year or more
Cannabis use - past 12 month use 48% 51%1 46% 45% 53%2
  • 1 Males were significantly more likely than females to have consumed cannabis in the past 12 months.
  • 2 Students in third year or higher were significantly more likely than students in 1st or 2nd year to have consumed cannabis in the past 12 months.

Psychoactive pharmaceuticals use


  • Overall, 36% of respondents used at least one opioid pain reliever, stimulant or sedative ( i.e., including both therapeutic and problematic use) in the past 12 months. Approximately, 24% used pain relievers, 12% used stimulants and 9% used sedatives.

Figure 13: Text Description

Overall Males Females 1st and 2nd year 3rd year or more
Pain relievers 24% 20% 28%2 26%3 23%
Stimulants 12% 14%1 10% 12% 12%
Sedatives 9% 5% 12%2 8% 9%
  • 1 Males were more likely than females to use stimulants in the past 12 months.
  • 2 Females were more likely than males to use pain relievers in the past 12 months.
  • 3 Students in 1st and 2nd year were more likely than students in 3rd year or higher to use pain relievers in the past 12 months.

Illegal drug use

Figure 15. Past 12 month use of illegal drugs

  • Approximately 15% of participants reported using at least one illegal drug during the past 12 months.

Figure 15: Text Description

Overall Males Females 1st and 2nd year 3rd year or more
Cocaine or crack 7% 8%2 6% 6% 9%3
Non-Prescription Amphetamines 2% 2%2 1% 2% 2%
Methamphetamine 0% 1%* 0.3%8 0.5%* #
Ecstasy or similar designer drugs 6% 6%2 6% 5% 7%3
Salvia 0% 0.6%* # 1%* #
Hallucinogens 8% 11%2 5% 8% 9%3
Sniffed glue, gasoline or other solvents 1% 0.7%* 0.4%* 1% #
Heroin # # # # #
Synthetic cannabinoids 0% 0.4%* # 0.4%* #
Mephedrone # # # # #
BZP/TFMPP # # # # #
Any illegal drug1 15% 18%2 12% 13% 17%3
  • * Moderate sampling variability, interpret with caution.
  • # High sampling variability - although an estimate may be determined from the table, data should be suppressed.
  • 1 Includes at least one illegal drug listed in this table.
  • 2 Males were more likely than females to have used this drug in the past 12 months.
  • 3 Students in 3rd year or higher were more likely than students in 1st or 2nd year to have used this drug in the past 12 months.

Smoking tobacco and vaping


  • Two percent of students reported smoking daily, while 8% reported smoking occasionally (not in the past month, but from time to time). Male respondents were more likely to report smoking occasionally (9% males; 7% females).

Figure 16: Text Description

Overall Males Females 1st and 2nd year 3rd year or more
Daily smoker 2% 2% 2%1 2%3 2%
Occasional smoker 8% 9%1 7% 8% 8%
Other tobacco smoker (pipe, cigar, shisha) 4% 5%1 3% 4% 5%4
Former smoker (quit smoking within the past 12 months) 3% 3%1 2% 3% 3%
Former smoker (quit smoking >12 months ago) 3% 4%1 3% 3% 3%
Never smoked 80% 76% 84%2 80% 79%
  • 1 Males are significantly more likely than females to smoke at this frequency.
  • 2 Females are significantly more likely than males to have never smoked.
  • 3 Students in 1st and 2nd year were significantly more likely to smoke daily.
  • 4 Students in 3rd year or higher were significantly more likely to have smoked other tobacco products.


These data were made possible through collaboration with 41 postsecondary institutions across Canada. The CPADS is conducted in collaboration with the Postsecondary Education Partnership-Alcohol Harms (PEP-AH), a network of universities and colleges from across Canada that have partnered with the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) to support campus efforts to reduce the harms related to alcohol consumption. We would also like to acknowledge PEP-AH’s contribution to the CPADS questionnaire content.

More information and related material


iCanada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines. Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Additions. Available: (accessed 2020 Jun. 03)

ii2020 Canadian Cannabis Survey, Health Canada:

iiiAlcohol Consumption Measures. National Institute on Alcohol abuse and Alcoholism. Available: (Accessed 2020 Jun. 03)

ivWhite et. al. Students lack knowledge of standard drink volumes: Implications for definitions of risk drinking based on survey data. Available: E6?sid=nlm%3Apubmed (first published May 3, 2006).

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